United in Love

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The national news was in an uproar over the shootings of Julian Vere, Chris St Claire and Virginia Costello. All three close to death and nobody had yet made a statement. Nobody knew what was going on.
The reporters gathered outside St Guy's Hospital, blocking the street and waited with bated breath. Who would give them news about the three shootings? The police were closed-mouthed as they investigated and began to connect the dots. The paperwork they found scattered over Julian's office floor was the evidence which blew the case wide open. The lead detective shook his head in disbelief at what he read.
"Bloody hell. I've never seen anyone this sick for a long time," he muttered.
"Ms Hatton needs to be in a psychiatric ward in a locked room where they can lose the fucking key," he said.
"Humm, what," he looked up at his sergeant. "Oh sorry. This is going to be a nightmare." He stood shaking hands with Samuel Hatton and Brant Costello.
"We need to know," said Sam.
"You sister...though unproven is insane. You can read this if you want, though it is evidence against her. No idea where it came from though we have an envelope with childlike handwriting on it, we have it in an evidence bag so we can trace the postage."
"We've written a statement for the reporters. Could you read through and make sure we're not saying anything which will ...damage her trial."
"I want the bitch locked up for good," snapped Brant.
"She'll more likely get locked up in a mental hospital if I'm any judge of this...he nodded to the paperwork as he handed it to Sam.
Sam passed the statement over and they all sat down again. Samuel began to read, his hand trembling until he got to the end of the first page and tossed it to Brant. "I can't read this, it's vile. She tried to murder me and my family." he walked over to the now mended and bulletproofed window. "I wish hanging was still an option."
Brant swore as he read, eventually dropping the papers on the floor as if they burnt his fingers. "My god," his face paled, eyes watering. "Virginia lost one of the twins."
"We know. She will be tried for murder since the fetus was over twenty weeks."
"My grandbaby," he scowled.
"Yes. I'm sorry for your loss. How are they all?"
"Alive, unconscious, hanging in there."
"Your statement is fine. Go and get it over and do with."
"Thank you for all you're doing, detective."
"Justice will be served."

Brant and Samuel organised a conference room in the hospital. The reports entered quickly murmuring to each other. Recorders held out along with microphones, cameras were set up in the back corners of the room. Rows of chairs now had bottoms on them. 
Samuel entered with Brant following him to the table at the front where several microphones sat. They stood side by side, their expressions grim. The voices fell silent. You couldn't hear a pin drop.
"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. My name is Brant Costello, I'm the father of Virginia. We have a statement to read out. We will not be answering questions at this time, though we will be asking for you and your readers to help with the investigation into my families shootings. If anyone saw anything at all, we need to know."
Samuel continued.
"A week ago I got a call from Virginia Costello asking for assistance. Mr Vere had been shot in his penthouse. At this time I had no idea she'd also called Christopher St Claire and Mr Vere's chauffeur, Craig. I rushed out of my office to my car. As i drove away the car which was parked beside mine blew up. I was lucky to have been far enough away to be alive today. Going back to my office I found Christopher St Claire had been shot coming out of his office. Panic set in." Samuel stopped taking a deep shuddering breath. Brant took over.
"Craig was the only one to arrive at the penthouse and saw a scared Virginia kneeling beside Mr Vere. This is where things go really crazy. Virginia goes to meet the ambulance and gets shot. She lost one of her twins. One of my grandbabies is dead. The investigation is strong, the evidence is clear, the killer will be caught. All three victims are stable and holding on to live. There may be more surgery needed. My daughter is on life support to help her and the other twin live through the healing process. Mr Vere is also on life support. We still don't know if he'll survive. Christopher St Claire is stable and wakes more frequently. Once again he may still need further surgery. Thank you."
They both nodded and left a subdued room of journalists. Some had tears in their eyes as they also left and write up their reports for the evening news.
Outrage hit new levels when they reported the death of one of Virginia's twins. Candles were lit, prayer circles started hoping all three would survive.

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