(Judges please scroll to the bottom - your notice is there)
Ok, so after AGES of not many people joining, I've decided we're gonna start the Watt-Factor! :) No more entries allowed!
What you contestants need to do is the following:
1) Create a book called TWF @wansari-dragon
2) COMMENT OK on this chapter and vote as well
3) In your TWF @wansari-dragon book, create a new chapter and call it CHALLENGE 1. This is where you'll write your first challenge!
4) The sooner you do this, the more time you have for the challenge, which is:
(Drum roll)
CHALLENGE: create a character who you will be using throughout the entire Watt-Factor. The character can be as cool, magical, crazy, normal or relatable as you like! :) Write about them from their point of view.
Write about your character in your CHALLENGE 1 chapter.
The deadline is Sunday 7th September. Anyone who doesn't finish before this will be disqualified unless they give me a good reason via PM.
I will be judging these, and I'll be scoring you according to:
Creativity (5 points)
and How well written your description is (also 5 points)
Good Luck! And may the odds be ever in your favour!
While the contestants are doing their challenge, you all have until Saturday 6th September to judge their first three chapters of the book they entered. Report back to me via private message what score you gave them for the three chapters overall.
Scoring System:
Max. Five points for each category:
Captivating - were you hooked? Did you want to read more?
Description - did they set the scene well?
Grammar And Punctuation - were there a lot of mistakes? Was it difficult to read?
Plot - is it interesting?
Characters - are they characters that you might end up getting attatched to?
Give them each a score out of 25 and private message me! Thanks! :)
Have You Got The Watt-Factor? (THIRD SEASON?)
RandomDo you like competing against other writers? Do you like mini challenges that test your ability? Do you think you and your book deserve more fame and votes than you get? Then enter this competition to see if you have the Watt-Factor! Copyright © 201...