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It all happened so fast that I didn't even see it coming. I got lucky, not getting the worst of the crash, but I can't say the same for my best friend/boyfriend. This all started cause of a drunk driver that did a hit and run. When the car finally stopped rolling, I was able to pull myself out and get to Naruto's side of the car. the sight I saw horrified me. Blood was everywhere and Naruto had glass and metal sticking from his gut. I pulled him out, already on the phone calling the police. I was hysterical as I explained what happened and where we were. After all that, I noticed Naruto looking up at me.

"I don't want to die Sasuke..." I heard him mumble, blood trailing past his lips and down his chin.

"You won't Naruto. I promise you, you won't." I told him, tears pricking at my eyes.

"That's a hard....promise to keep Sas'ke..." He chuckled, which turned into body shaking coughs, causing more blood to flow past his lips.

"Stop talking you idiot. You need to keep your strength." I wiped the blood from his chin, not caring that my sleeve had gotten more blood on it.

A few minutes pass in silence and then Naruto breaks it. "Sas'ke....its getting really cold..."

I knew this wasn't good, mostly because it was the middle of July. By this time, Naruto's bleeding had slowed, but a pool of blood had collected around us.

"Hey, Sas'ke...I'm sorry..." Naruto mumbled.

"Don't be sorry, you idiot. It wasn't your fault." I held him closer, his head laying right above my heart.

"I can hear your sounds so strong..." He placed a hand weakly on my chest, feeling the beat of my heart. Tears trickled out of my eyes and down my cheeks.

"Stop talking like you're dying, you idiot."

"Hey, Sas'ke, when I'm all healed up, you promise we'll grow old together right?" He asked, looking tired and hopeful.

"Of course Naruto."

"Sas'ke....I'm really tired..." His eyes drifted closed slowly.

"Naruto, you can't fall asleep." I could hear sirens in the distance now.

"I'm just gonna.....gonna nap.." He mumbled, eyes closing completely.

"Naruto, wake up! Naruto please!" I yelled, shaking him, tears streaming down my cheeks. He didn't move.


The sight the medics came upon after arriving was horrifying. A man with black hair and eyes, holding a body close and crying, sitting in a pool of blood. The man and the body were soaked in blood, most likely the body's that as in his arms. the faint crying of, "Naruto, please, come back to me..." could be heard. After finally prying the body from the man's death grip, they could tell there was nothing they could do.

"He's dead."

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