Whiskey Lullaby

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Here it is everyone. The last chapter of this story. I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Warning: Includes suicide, self harm, and death. Be prepared with tissues (if you cried because of the earlier chapters)

The ending is worth reading the sadness, I promise.



The changes were slow coming, but still easy to be seen. Eyes darkening and getting a haunted look to them. As the days went it just got worse and you started to lock yourself away from everyone, even me. I always wondered if there was ever a way into the labyrinth that was your mind but I was never successful in my attempts. Sometimes when I was sitting outside your room after another attempt to get you to open up, I would hear you mumble things almost like you were singing. But you gave that up a while back, didn't you?

As days turned to months, the time you spent outside your room grew less and less and you seemed to be growing paler and more brooding. I felt helpless as this happened. My closest person, my most loved one, was wasting away in front of me. Night after night, I sat outside of your door, pleading for you to let me in, but you never answer. Can you even hear my voice anymore?

Years have gone by now and you look lost and sullen now, almost like you've given up. Please don't give up, not when there is so much for you to see and do. But again, my pleading goes unheard. You've started to collect cuts on your arms and legs. Is this because of me? You cry a lot more now and call my name repeatedly.

Oh how I wish I could take away your pain. You've started to take pills to make you sleep but they don't seem to help. Every so often you take more and more, but no matter what you always end up tossing and turning and waking up with a scream still falling from your lips. I can never be sure of what you scream though, because it always comes out strangled.

I hate seeing you like this. I hate that I can't hold you in my arms and make it go away. You can't hear me as I scream out to you. I know why you can't hear me. But can't you feel me when I'm near? Can't you feel my presence as I sit outside your door?

It's gotten quiet in your room now. You even left the door unlocked as well. I took this opportunity to enter and there, I found you. Laying on your side, you were clutching onto a picture of me for dear life.


It's all finally over. I can go be with Naruto now. Over the years, I had formed severe depression and suicidal thoughts. I never acted on them and tried to get over them, knowing Naruto would've wanted me to live, but I never could. It got to be to much and I finally had to end it all, overdosing on my sleeping pills and dowing them with some alcohol.

The effects were almost like falling asleep, although this time I knew I wouldn't be waking up. I didn't know what I expected really. A white light with all the people I've lost, I suppose. But that isn't what I saw. What I saw was my room, my body on the bed, still clinging to the picture of Naruto that I had pulled out when I felt the effects of the drugs.

It's odd being able to look at yourself. There's no way to decribe it really, just that it feels you're looking at a stranger.

I hear soft footsteps coming towards the bed and turn to look. Can you imagine how it feels to see the one you loved most again? The rushes of joy, happiness, and love can be overwhelming.

"Naruto..." I murmur softly, taking a step closer to him. He jumped in surprise and turned to me. I could tell he was tearing up.

"Sas'ke..." He murmured before running to me and jumping into my awaiting arms. Tears were streaming down his cheeks as he clung desperately to my shirt.

"I missed you so much Naruto....so so much."

"I missed you as well..."

I pulled him into a slow, passionate kiss and we were surrounded by a warm white light.


They soon found Sasuke's body when Sakura had come to check on him. What she found, moved her to tears. The picture was still in Sasuke's hand and he seemed peaceful, almost as if he were sleeping.

They decided to bury him next to Naruto, underneath the willow in the cemetary. It was a small gathering but still very emotional.

As the group soon dispersed, Sakura looked back to the grave. What she saw made her eyes widen. There stood Sasuke and Naruto, looking happy as they stood side by side under the willow. Their hands were clasped together and, as the wind rustled the leaves of the willow, they disappeared with the leaves floating on the wind.

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