Chapter 7: What's Happening?

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James POV:

Everything was blurry there was someone stood in front of me, I grabbed there arm and started to have a fit I was hyperventilating. The person screamed and stepped back as nurses came runnng in and so did a docotor type dude. Everything was still blurry but they hadn't relised my eyes were open so I closed them and drifted of into a sleep.

Rileys POV:

On no! Please no! He can't die! I was pacing up and down until the doctor came out. "How is he?" Doctor-"Fine, but he still hasn't woken up and is in critical condition." "Thanks." I walked back in I'm sure his eyes were open. I sat next to the bed looking at him and  started to cry."I'm so sorry! I didn't want to brake up with you, but I felt like I had no choice... Why did this happen to you? Why not me or somone I don't no! Even though I feel like I can't forgive you I really want to."

James POV:

I heard what she said. Riley was the one I grabbed she was now crying so I grabbed her again, my eyes still closed. R-"AHH! James... are you... awake?" I opened my eyes and smiled, "Riley... you... came." She smiled while crying even more. R-"I thought I was... going to... lose you." "And that you want to forgive me.... and you wished you were lying here." R-"You... you heard me?" "Every word." She looked down and there was an awkard silence. I felt pain rushing through me and manly screamed and started breathing heavily. R-"James calm down it's ok, I'm here." She grabbed my hand and I squezed it tight.

Rileys POV:

I really want to do something but I don't no wether to....

Because Of Love (A Jiley Fanfict) completedWhere stories live. Discover now