Chapter 12: Because Of Love

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Rileys POV:

I was having a nice sleep, then I woke up seeing the face of James staring at me with a smile. "What are you doing awake?" J-"I can't get to sleep... so..." I smiled at him and we started to kiss. I moved my hand under his shirt as he grabbed my waist, I felt a scar on his side and stopped. He looked at me with a kind of sad whats wrong look. J-"Are you ok? If my scars bother you th-" "No, no,no! They don't bother me it's just... oh James. I keep thinking it's my fault." J-"It is not your fault. It was never your fault, just mine." I sighed and then thought of something quite clever to say, if I do say so myself. "It wasn't your fault either." J-"But it wasn't yours?" "The reason you crashed was because of love." He smiled at me and laughed, J-"Your where were we?" I giggled and we kissed all night long.

Sorry it's short!

Because Of Love (A Jiley Fanfict) completedWhere stories live. Discover now