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Yeh so I know that I promised to continue writing this as soon as I could (and I plan on starting the new chapter today!), but between all of my exams, exam results, my birthday, my friends birthdays, home life, school, and my general lack of fucks to give I haven't gotten around to it yet, but I want to thank you guys that keep checking out mine and Lucy's stories because this is on 258 reads so far!

IDK if that means it's good or y'all just thirsty for content.

I completely plan on continuing this BUT I don't really plan the chapters, they just flow out wait that doesn't sound so good Mr stark.

So, lemme tell you, if there's ANYTHING you want me to write about and/or mention you in, all you have to do is comment the idea, and I'll put it into a chapter n credit you :))))


I DO draw the line at:

incest (Allison and Luther im looking at you)

underage (I'll go as far as someone making not so good advances at someone then being stopped by someone who scares the shit out of the pervert, so if you want that to happen I'll be very cautious)

Sex (MAYBE in the future)

Really disgusting older men making advances at anyone below the age of 20 (which I guess also falls into category #2)


SO YEAH ::::::))))))))))

Also you may have noticed that we changed our name, the amazing creator of the account, Lucy, decided that she didn't really like TW obsessively anymore, so we decided to change it to something we both love, UMBRELLA ACADEMY! yes that was a crack at Luther Lmao. YO WHAT DO YOU THINK??????? A NUMBER 5 FANFICTION????????? MAYBE, MAYBE NOT??????????????

anyway, tysm for reading this shitty fanfiction, and go check out our other stories :) I'll start the new chapter now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

love you guys!


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