[two] england is my city

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"Hello again you nosey whores! I'm Jerry Springer, and welcome back to my show!"

The midget came out with another sign that read 'The fuck y'all just sitting there for? Clap!'

The audience clapped and cheered in a very loud and nervous manner.

"So, if you missed the last episode, which I hope not because that'd mean you're playing with my money, here's a recap!" Jerry smiled brightly at the camera.

The recap from the last episode simply titled 'Lights, Camera,  Cocaine!' started to play on a huge screen on the stage.

Gazzy came out on the stage, then it skipped to Omar. Gazzy being told that Omar snitched, Omar getting hit with the shoe, and security coming to break up the fight.

The clip ended and the audience clapped again for some reason even though nothing was said or done.

"Wow! Did y'all see that shit?! That little autistic boy sure gave that mutt a run for his money!" Jerry chuckled.

"Anyways, today we have another pair of special guests. Some more homo, in the closet, trash music making, good for nothing hoodlum, fake ass thug rappers!"

The midget held up a sign that said 'laugh'. The audience of course laughed just as told.

"Let's meet our first guest! He goes by the name..." Jerry furrowed his brows. "Fuck, I can't read this ghetto bullshit."

"Sh- Shah- Just bring the fool out." Jerry sighed and pointed at the door on his left. Nothing happened.

The studio got quiet.

"Yeah? What? He's not coming? Why? What? He got deported back to the UK?" Jerry looked confused. He took the Bluetooth off.

"Damn, I thought he was black! Everyone knows that there are no black people in the UK!" Jerry scoffed.

"I'm black and I'm from the UK." Some random audience member said. All attention shifted to him. Jerry growled.

"Security! Please come and escort this phoney negro out of my studio before I black the fuck out and choke a bitch." Jerry said. His left eye started to twitch.

"Wait, what did I do- oof!" The poor guy screamed as security started to beat him with batons. The audience gasped and the midget rushed over to carry the guy out of a door that read 'evidence'.

"Well, let's bring out the second guest! Another child that grew up with no father that goes by the name of.... Taymor!" Jerry pointed to the door on the right.

Nothing happened, once again.

Jerry sighed and started to talk into his Bluetooth. "Where's McIntyre? For what? Manslaug- oh hell no. Is he still loose?!" Jerry shrieked.

"They got him? Good, keep that crazy motherfucker behind bars. I'd hate to have to curb stomp his wild ass." Jerry said with a huff.

"Fuck. Well, looks like both of our guests have shown what happens when your parents raise you around hoodlums and deadbeats- you get deported or you end up getting pissed on by some guy named Robert Kelly."

"Since none of the guests showed up, that means that I won't get paid! So, I'm going home to get my balls licked from the side! See you all next episode!"


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