Look Out!

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3rd  POV

Everyone cheered. The windmill has been powered up even the antidote. Now they just need Risa to get to the tower and retrieve the wing to call Lugia. Looks like they started to clean the mess.

"Wow, looks like we almost saved the town. I'm so gratefull," a girl with pink hair monologed herself. She's the city's government's daughter. 

"Hey thats Ash. Hey Ash," she called while rushing towards him. A boy with messy raven hair turned to look at her. He smiled as seeing her running towards him. He felt a chunk of dust falling. He looked in horror as a big debris started to fall towards Margo. 

"Margo look out!" He screamed. But the girl was too scared too even move a muscle. She stood there with wide eyes as the debris started to get closer.

"NO!" Ash rushed to her. He quickly shielded her by using his back as cover.

"ZERA!ZERO-" a mythical Pokemon white yellow fur tried to teleport towards them, but he was captured by somekind of a net trapping him inside.

"ZERAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" the Pokemon shout.

Everyone gasped in horror as the debris finally landed at the both of them.


While at the top of the stadium. Three figure stood there with a devilish smile.

"We got em this time boss. You're going to to be pleased with us boss," a certain cat talked to the video call.

"Very Well then. Bring every single Pokemon that he has. It will be a very good addition to our team,"

"We got it Boss," the call was shut down.

"Well it looks like we got the twerp. Let's go get them," a lady wearing a shirt with a letter R in the middle.


"Ughhh, what happened. Where am I. Oh yeah. A debris started to fall towards me. But then Ash- wait, Ash! Ash where are you?" she screamed trying to find the raven haired boy. As she looked around, he felt something was struggling on top of her . She was shocked seeing Ash using his remaining energy trying to lift the debris off.

A single blood drop to Margo's face. It was Ash's blood! He was covered with bruises and scars. not to mention how worned out he looked.

"Margo............ get out of here quick.... I..I hold thi-this debris for a while so you could escape," Ash said with a weak tone. He 's going to die if he doesn't get any medical treatment.

"Ash, you have to escape with me Ray. Come one Ash don't hurt yourself please ?" Margo said with pleading eyes.

"I can't Margo. This... is the least that I ..... can do..-" as he said the last sentence, he fainted slamming his body flat to the ground.


"Margo, you okay in there. Please answer me!" she heard her father screamed for her worryingly.

"*sniff**sniff* I'm okay but Ash. He's in worse shape," she said in a sad tone.

As the dust settled, the people were shocked to see a trainer bleeding hugging Margo just to save her from the impact.

"Everyone, help me getting this debris off from them. Come one," as Callahan called them, everyone started to gain their position at the debris. Even the other Pokemon like Machamp, Totodil, Heracross, Sudowoodo, Xatu and Togepi helped them. Totodile used Hydro Pump to gave the people some of boost while Xatu used Psychic to lift the debris.

The debris slowly rised from the two. Margo tried to shook Ash awake but it was no use. 

"PIKA PI!" Pikachu cried. He can't stand seeing his trainer in such pain. Mia, Callaghan younger sister who just arrived at the scene quickly picked up Pikachu and gave him a warming hug.

"It's okay Pikachu. They're trying to save him. have faith in them PIkachu like how your trainer have faith in all of us,"She tried to give Pikachu some soothing words. Pikachu juts looked back at her with glassy eyes.

Her daughter, Kellie, hugged her in the knee. 

"Mommy, what's going to happen to him. He looks like he's going to die. Isn't there anything we can do save him?" she asked the hardest question that any adult could ask for. She's still a kid. She doesn't know anything about injuries like this.

"I.....I don't know sweety, but they're trying to help him as mjuch as they can.

"Come one kid, hang in there. Remember everything you said to us. Your a hero! Don't give up on your Pokemon power!" Callahan tried to wake him up, but to no avail nothing happens.

"Alright guys. In a count of three we're going to throw this thing aside. One...Two....THREEE!" the debris thrown beside them. Margo hugged Ash and cried.

"Ash, stay strong Ash. We're going to get you to the Pokemon Center.," Margo said between sobs

Ash weakly open his eyes. He looks at Margo with love and care. He held her hand for comfort.

"Margo...... don't cry for me will ya. I'm sorry but....... I don;t think I could handle the pain anymore.." as he said the last sentence. His eyes started to drop.

"Nonononon. Ash stay awake.Don't give up!" she starts to panic. The chances for him to live is, very slim. Then, and ideo caught her mind.

She kissed him passionately. On.The.Lips. Ash was surprised ash her soft lips brushed against this own lips. He quickly return the kiss. They're action shocked the Mayor. But his happy for her daughter.Looks like she found the right man for her.

"Thanks Margo. I really need that,"he gained a new energy to keep standing.

Ray, Ash's brother arrived late. Everyone looked at him with daggers in their eyes.

"Ash!" as he saw Ash. He was revealed with Ash,whose face is inches closer the Margo's face, a very teared up and bloody clothes wore by the Kanto native.

Callahan couldn't stand it anymore. He went to Ray and give him a powerful punch to his head.

"Callahan what are you doing," Mia was shocked to see Callahan suddenly assaulted Ray for no reason.

"WHAT AM I DOING? WHAT AM I DOING! This guy just let his brother be in pain an almost let him die. What kind of brother is he. He doesn't deserve the kid!," Callahan insulted Ray.

Ray knew he arrived late. But, he was attacked by a group of Team rocket and some poachers. He was wounded up. But he hide his injuries.

everyone gathered in circle around him.

"Callahan, everyone, listen please. I was attacked by some group of Team Rocket. The y said something about wrecking the stadium to a kid. I tried to fight them, but the overpowered me with their new shadow technology-" before he could finish his sentence, three figure were in front of the people.

"Ahahahahaha. Ah yes, its the twerp. Pretty surprising right James."Jessie. So she's the culprit.

"Yeah right Jessie. Hmmm, looks like that kid attached to the twerp. Let's seperated them shall we." the walked towards Ash and Margo. 

Ray went infront of the two protectively. he ain't gonna let his brother getting beat up.

"Oh no you two. Stop in your track."

Move it twerp or your gonna be in such pain," the trio was getting frustrated by Ray's attitude.

"Oh really then. Let's see whos really is going to be in PAIN!" he was surrounded by water veil.


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