Chapter 5

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I woke up the next morning with a pink flower on my bed. I turned my head to the side confused. Did ness or Lucas leave me this?. I took the flower with my hand and observed it. I stand up from my bed and headed to the kitchen.

As I looked around the kitchen I noticed a sticky note on the fridge. That made me home sick. My mother will do that all the time every time she went out.

I walk over to it and read it to myself.

Dear Angel, we will be back home in a while, if you found the flower on your bed, its from a brawler who likes you. He came by and drop it off for you. I'm sorry I can't tell you who it is, I'm going to let you guess for yourself.


A brawler who likes you???......that kept me thinking who would it be......

Anyways I don't got time for that. I think about it later. I looked at the flower in my hand and made a small smile.

Hopefully it isn't from Fox. I truly like fox so much....But he's already taken. And Fox will never be interested in a girl like me...

I looked away from the flower and place it on the table. I stood there with a frowned face as I remembered what ness told me yesterday..... I wonder if I'll ever see my parents again....

*someone knocks on the door* I turn to look at the door and walked over to it as I opened it.

"Hello Angel.....I see you already know about the looks like you'll be staying here with us........forever...." lucario said with a serious look on his face.

"Yes.....I already know....*sigh*.....and I guess I have to accept it don't I mister lucario?" I forced a smile.

"You got to learn a lot kid, and by the way, please call me... Lucario" he smiled.

"What do you mean?....are you like......going to train me or something?" I said confused. "and OK...Lucario"

"That depends.....if you want to be a fighter like me, I'll warn you, it will take a lot of Years to train you. But if you want to fight like Fox McCloud, then that won't take you that long for you to learn" he said with a small smirk.

"......*eyes widen*.....How do you know? you read my mind right now?! because if you did, that's amazing!" I said happily.

" Indeed.....I do, and I know you have feelings towards him as well" he put his hands together with an eyebrow up.

".....*huffs*....yes I do.....I always did....but I think he'll never like me....I don't think he'll ever fall in love with a girl human like me...." I said in a sad tone looking down at the floor.

" You are wrong...... your not just any regular human Angel...remember I told you the last time we saw each other, your a special brawl warrior out of all of us, and you are also wrong about fox......I'll say he has a crush on you as well *smiles*

"Really?! *gasp*....Aw!.....can you tell me who dropped off the pink flower?" i said with a grin.

" I can't tell you'll have to figure that out on your own" he said walking away.

Falco's P.O.V

I herd every word......from lucario and the angel....i was hiding behind a wall as kept on thinking to myself.......should i tell fox of what i herd from angel?....

To Be Continued...

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