To the Rescue

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I was late for class now about 5 minutes. I decided to take the long route to class so I could sneak a peak at Cass in class. She said no special treatment but I just wanted to see her. After talking to Nikki I realized that I can't keep stuff from Cass. She deserves nothing but the truth even if she worries. I would want the truth if the situation was reversed. I really tend to contradict myself all the time. I just want to do the right thing without hurting or worrying someone. At the end of the day I just want the best for everyone.

As I rounded the corner I experienced one of the most hurtful moments of my life. Cass and Mr. Knox where kissing in the hall there was no one around. I quickly stepped back and placed my back on the wall startled. My chest stung it hurt so bad I've never experienced this type of pain. I was the feeling of betrayal.

I heard a loud noise like it sounded like someone got slapped. I peaked around the corner.

" Mr. Knox I suggest you keep your hands to yourself." She snapped.

I felt relieved wash over me. She had not kissed him. I couldn't help but feel a smile form on my lips. She actually slapped him which made me happy. I felt bad for coming to conclusions. A lot of things went through my mind in 30 seconds which made me realize I really do love her.

Mr. Knox suddenly pushed her against the wall and cornered her.

" You know you want this." He said.

I saw her first ball up and It came to mind that I have to do something. Mr. Knox had been here for a while things would not go her way if she hurt him. Like a reflex I stepped out from the corner.

" Miss Scarlet?" I called.

Mr Knox instantly backed up.

" Oh I'm sorry am I interrupting something?" I asked innocently.

" Miss Haze you should be in class." He said with an annoyed tone.

" Don't you have a class to teach Mr. Knox or is it that you prefer harassing your fellow peers?"

The words just came out like word vomit. This jerk deserved a slap in the face and more.

" You should really watch what you say Miss Haze or it could get you in trouble."  He said with a menacing look.

" I'm simply stating what I saw." 

I had no plans to reveal what I saw but he's pretty much saying I'm making it up. I'm sure he would not want to challenge me when it came down to it. I hate to admit the name Haze comes in handy sometimes.

" Have a good day Miss Haze and you too Cassandra."

He walked away and went back to his classroom.

I hated that he was so familiar with her. I wanted to beat his face in right there but things where better without a conflict.

Cass's Knuckles where white from her clenching her fists so hard. She stayed quiet and she had a really alarming look. She really wanted to beat his face in. Sometimes she has these bone-chilling looks that even I get scared like she's capable of real harm. Regardless I would accept anything and everything she is.

" Cass?" I reached out and wrapped my hand around her fist. I got closed and placed my other hand on her face.

" Thank you." She closed her eyes and I felt her hand grab mine.

" Oh please I can't even count he times you've saved me. I don't need a thank you at all."

" I'm sorry you saw that. I could only imagine how you felt." She said with a sad look.

" It's okay. I'm just glad I intervened in time. You would have gotten in trouble if you kicked his ass." I laughed.

She instantly wrapped her hands around me and gave me a tight hug. I hugged her back and we just stood there for a few seconds in silence.

" You want to make it up to me? I want a kiss and a pass to class."

A kiss would be a long shot but she would probably give me the pass. I laughed to myself.

She looked at me and let go.

" Why are you over here? Isn't your class the opposite way?" She asked puzzled.

"Nikki was going through a rough time so we sat in the bathroom and we sorta forgot about the time."

" I get that but you are still in the opposite side of the building." She crosses her arms.

" Relax I wasn't going to cut class. I just wanted to see you. I wasn't trying to get your attention or anything I just wanted to peak in." I instantly regretted that I said that out loud. It sounded less stalkerish in my head.

" Wait here." She went back to her classroom and instructed the students. I couldn't make out what she said but they got quiet and went to work.

" Follow me." She passed by me and opened a door that was just down the hall. I think it was the teacher's storage room. I followed her quietly.

She motioned me in and then she closed the door behind her. She made sure it was looked.

She looked at me briefly.

" I'm sorry if that seemed stalk-

She cut me off with a kiss roughly. It was hot and passionate. She wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled me closer tightly.

If her goal was to get me aroused it was definitely working. I wrapped my arms around her neck. Our tongues danced together but this time it was different. She wanted control. More control than before. Her gestures almost demanded me to surrender. She pushed me roughly against the wall and kept kissing me. She left me completely breathless. I think she's trying to answer my thoughts with her feelings.

" Cass." Moaned between breaths.

" Why do I desire you so much?"  She asked while she traced her finger on the  side of my face down to my collarbone which was currently exposed due to my v-neck.

It wasn't a question for me but for herself. I think we both fear these feelings for very different reasons but we can't help what we feel. That somehow made me feel relieved. Sharing scary and warm feeling with someone you love is the best comfort you can have.

She reached in her skirt pocket and took out a piece of paper. It was the pass to class.

" Here. Go to class." Her lips lightly connected with mine.

" I'll see you in fourth." I smiled.

Things felt different and a little awkward I think we're both battling something within. We have questions than neither of us can answer even if we tried to.

" Hey Cass?"

She looked up.

" Yeah?"

" Thank you. For being you and for looking after me."

She smiled slightly and nodded.

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