Eighteen: Perry/ Cameron

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A/N: OMG the time has finally come. The wedding!! There will probably only be one chapter left after this before the epilogue.


The way the park lit up at night was absolutely spectacular. It was so peaceful at night that it was hard not to keep looking around everywhere. My eyes then caught a glimpse of Cinderella's castle and I started to cry. There was once a time in my life when I really thought something like this would never happen to me. Here I was, about to marry the love of my life, at Disney world. Wes had pulled major strings and worked his lawyer magic to make both Aaron and myself the new foster parents of Aly and Allen. Usually that would take so much longer, and I'm really not sure how he did it. But whatever he did, I was eternally grateful to him.

"Perry?" I quickly turned around to see Aly and Allen in the doorway of the sliding glass doors. They both had Mickey Mouse ears on, which made me smile. "Are you okay?"

Instead of responding I simply nodded while closing my eyes. I felt two sets of arms then wrap around me before I opened my eyes back up. "I'm good, I promise." Quickly wiping my tears away I put on a smile while asking, "Have you guys enjoyed Disney so far?"

"You bet," Allen said while pointing off somewhere in the distance. "This one ride we started to go on was delayed because some guy puked in it! Can you imagine how awesome that would've been to see?"

"That would've been disgusting," Aly said while rolling his eyes. "I'm glad I didn't see it."

"I think I ate too much though," Allen said as he placed a hand onto his stomach. "It's so hard to turn down food, especially when hot girls are offering you some."

Aly rolled his eyes again as he poked Allen in the stomach. "She didn't offer it to you for free; you had to buy those snacks."

"Still, it was worth it because she talked to me."

I couldn't help but laugh as I hugged them tighter. They were suddenly pulling me back into the room, Aly standing by me as Allen grabbed a small bag from the bed. "This is from Aaron. He said it's a pre wedding gift."

As I took the small bag from them, I pulled out loads of tissue paper to see a Pascal pin. "Actually he got one for all us of," Aly said as he took one out of his pocket. "We're all going to wear them tomorrow. And the cool thing is that only the four of us will have one."

"There's also this letter," Allen said as he pulled a green envelope out of the bag. "Oh and tissues, he said you'd probably want those."

I thanked them while sitting down onto the bed as a knock was heard from our adjoining room. I watched as Shawn then poked his head inside, the laughter of his children behind him. "I got that gaming console set up. Want to play?"

"No way," Allen said as he started running over. "I am going to destroy everyone!"

"Will you be okay by yourself for awhile?" Aly asked as he looked over at Shawn.

"Of course, don't let Allen have all the fun."

He smiled before running into the next room, Shawn welcoming him with open arms. When I thought he was going to join them, I watched my brother walk over and sit next to me on the bed. His arm wrapped around me, my head ending up onto his shoulder. "You doing okay?"

"Yeah," I said while gripping onto Aaron's letter. "I just can't believe this day is finally here."

"Yeah," he said while holding me closer. "I can't believe my little brother is getting married tomorrow. I hope you know how lucky Aaron is to have you, you've turned into such an amazing person Perry."

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