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~~ One year later ~~

Nervously glancing at the clock, I bit my bottom lip while standing up. Luckily my online college classes were all completed, one thing I didn't have to worry about at the moment. As I walked out into the parking lot I continued to bite my bottom lip while getting into my car. The entire car ride my fingers were shaking so badly, my car kept drifting around. Forcing myself to calm down, I quickly pulled into the school and parked. My mind was so lost in thought that I didn't hear anyone approaching the car. I instantly jumped when the door opened, making me look over to see Allen getting into the backseat as Aly got into the front.

"Hey guys," I said with a smile. They smiled back at me as they buckled their seatbelts.

"Hey," Allen said while running a hand through his messy hair.

"Hi," Aly quietly said.

Making sure not to hit any students walking by, I pulled out of the parking lot and merged into traffic. "You okay Dad?" Aly suddenly asked, his eyes focused on my shaking hands.

"Of course, must've had too much coffee today."

"Are you worried about the hearing?" My eyes glanced towards Allen in the backseat, and noticed he was staring at me with a concerned face. "Because I'm not. This isn't the first time we've had to go to court."

My hands started shaking again as I focused on the traffic around me. "I know that, but this is a different kind of hearing." When I stopped at a red light I glanced between both of them to ask, "You guys are sure you're okay with this?"

"Why wouldn't we be?" Aly asked.

"Typically this takes much longer, but Wes really pulled some strings for us. I just want to really make sure you guys are okay with this."

They were both silent for a few moments, sharing a look. "If we weren't going to end up with you and Aaron, we'd just go back into the system," Aly said.

"He's right. Neither of us have any biological family left, you're all we have. I mean just the fact that you accepted us both so willingly is crazy. I've had so many families turn their noses up at me that I thought I'd never get another chance." Allen was then placing his arms on the center console as I started to drive again. "You've always been okay with having two teenagers all the time. Well, plus Javier. He hangs around all the time."

"Not all the time," Aly said with a frown.

"Pretty much. And when he's over he's either drawing, baking with Juliet or sleeping. And while he's doing all of that you're completely undressing him with your eyes."

Aly gasped before he lightly slapped Allen on the back of the head, making Allen snicker. "I do not!"

"Whatever I mean even if you do, it's cool. But dude just admit it already. Everyone can see it."

"Shut up Allen."

"Come on guys," I said as they quieted down. "While it may seem strange for many people to accept two teenagers so willingly, it's not for us. It's only been a year since we've become your foster parents. It really has felt like you've been with us for so much longer. Legally I thought this would've taken much longer, but it's actually happening pretty fast."

I was then pulling into the courthouse, taking a deep breath as I parked. "Too fast?" Aly whispered.

Turning towards them, I looked between their faces and simply smiled. I placed my hands onto both of their cheeks and rubbed my thumb over their skin. "Of course not."

Troubled Soul (manxman) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now