Part 10

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He walked outside into the cold night, squinting his eyes against the bright glow of the streetlights. Wrapping his jacket tighter around himself he leaned against the brick wall of the bar and took out a, much needed, cigarette. He needed to calm his nerves which had momentarily left him during the performance but returned at full force once he got off the stage and realized what he'd done.

He inhaled the chill air deeply as he looked for a lighter in his pocket, trying not to feel too disappointed or too heartbroken that the blond hadn't shown up. Nevertheless the fact that he hadn't been there while Yoongi had given his all on the stage still hurt in some strange way. The applause that he got in return had been more gratifying than anything else he'd ever experienced but it would've been so much better if the one person that he wanted to hear the track would've been there as well.

"Fuck." He cursed under his breath. The one time that he actually tried to do something, the one time that he put his entire heart and soul into the song, absolutely nothing worked out. Of course he'd worked hard on all his other music, but that song... that was something else. He had laid his heart out on the stage, gave everyone there access into his deepest and darkest thoughts and then the hope and longing for something more because, for the first time in a really long time he felt like he had fallen for someone for real.

He heard the door of the bar open and close as people started to leave, right, he was the last act of the night. He'd specifically asked to be put last so that Jimin, even if he was going to be late, could still make it so that he could at least hear a small bit of the song. He knew that the younger boy had his big performance that night but besides the open mic there really wouldn't be another way to perform like he did. Namjoon had been right, he wouldn't have dared to show him the song any other way.

He heard the footsteps and loud voices of people walking back home with their friends, talking loudly about some of the people that had performed. He saw their shadows move past him but he remained motionless where he stood against on the sidewalk. A possible plan B was to transfer the track onto a cd and leave it on the other boy's doormat like he did with the flyer but that wouldn't have the same effect.

He toyed with the cigarette in between his fingers before he put it, unlit, between his lips. He checked his pant pockets for the lighter. Before he found it however, someone had plucked the cigarette away from between his lips. He looked up, brows knotted together angrily, ready to confront whoever decided to disturb him because he really wasn't in a mood to see other people at the moment. He was ready to just walk back home and lock himself up in there for at least another month to come back from the embarrassment that the whole song-ordeal had brought upon him. He couldn't believe that he'd written a song for a guy he barely knew, a guy he'd kissed once and went on one 'date' with.

But when he looked up, his eyes were met with a pair of familiar sparkling brown eyes that could only belong to said 'guy'. His blond hair was messy and his clothes were crumpled but he was there, right in front of a stunned Yoongi. The sight alone enough to make all his spiralling thoughts flee his mind.

"Jim-" He started, realizing that he was staring at him once again, something that he's noticed himself doing more often when Jimin was the person he was looking at. A smile made its way to his lips but he couldn't finish whatever he was going to say because the younger boy grabbed him by the front of his jacket and kissed him.

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