A painful truth and a heavy burden

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Coran's Pov
"Please tell me on Alfor's spirit that I did not just witness what I did just now. Not only did you insult lance and ignore his pleas, but you left the twins for dead as well." Allura responded fearfully and concerned. " B-but Coran how do you know that their d-dead."

Coran looked at each of them in concern, sadness , and disappointment as he made his way to the panel pressing buttons and a weird rhythmically way that it sounds like the lullaby London Bridge. 

The paladins snapped out of their thoughts when they heard a familiar woosh of the screen popping up and shows all of the paladin's heart rate with their picture right next to them, not missing how the twins's heart rate have a flat line and doesn't have a blue outline like the rest of theirs.

Shiro responded in a state of shock, " Coran, when did you do this?" Coran spoke after Shiro almost immediately, " Ever since each of you went to look for the lions, I thought this would be a good opportunity to place a small chip on your suits that records, on live of course, wether your healthy, injured or." Coran hesitated on saying the last one. " O-or dead."

All of the paladins including Allura froze in shock and bewilderment, hesitantly looking back at the twins's heart rate to see if what they saw earlier and what Coran just said was true.But at last they would have to eventually be hit with a painful truth and a heavy burden that they will all live with for the rest of their lives knowing what they've done and knowing that they could've prevented it if it weren't for their pride and ego.

The twins are dead and they have to live with that burden on their shoulders for as long as they live.

Their silence was broken by none other than Coran him self. "Now do me the favor and go change and just stay in your rooms and please wait for me to call you down for dinner." Coran glared at all of them but but gave the most disappointing stare at allura and shiro even more, he spoke once more, "Shiro I thought you were the leader the one that is supposed to look out for others not bringing them down and making them feel like there useless and very little of themselves. Really I am very disappointed in you. I'm starting to think that the lions choose the wrong people for the job of voltron especially the black lion." As he was walking a little closer to them he whispered  a quiet "what a sorry excuse for a team captain " loud enough for all of them to hear.

Shiro did nothing but look down on the floor in guilt and disappointment, Keith didn't do anything to defend him or himself since this time it was there fault and no one else but theirs. Allura just stood there with no emotion written in her face after a pause coran spoke again. "But im more disappointed in you Allura, what happened to you? You've changed so much in such a negative way. What was it? Altea being destroyed? Voltron? Or wait don't tell me it was the twins more specifically Lance." He stood there silently waiting for an answer. He grew impatient for her answer slowly losing patience for the paladins " Well? Come on! I'm waiting!"

She stood there, still not making noise. After a moment she broke down full on sobbing crying saying I'm sorry over and over again no one did anything to help her coran left the room to clean the pods, then little by little everyone left to their rooms, leaving Allura in the room crying for forgiveness. She never felt this way since the day she had to erase what was left of her father.

Days passed and everyone was devastated with the deaths of the twins

Shiro spend almost all the time either in his room or training only going out for missions and food, trying to get his mind off the incident but it feels like their ghost is hunting him and he's having nightmares of their deaths which made him lose sleep gaining eye bags and insomnia always reminding himself how much of a bad leader he is and how he could have stoped them from dying.

Pidge as well as shiro lost a bunch of sleep always on her computer typing away as silent tears leave her eyes on too her computer trying to find any good memories saved in her computer of the twins wether back on earth or in the ship.

Hunk got the worst of them all knowing almost everything about the twins and their secrets he feels terrible as their bestfriend that he couldn't do anything, he spends all of his time in the kitchen stress cooking sometimes stress eating. Sometimes he breaks down out of no where and the paladins trying to comfort him.

Allura felt so guilty she never comes out of her room only for missions and that's it, the paladins leave food in front of her door when it's time to eat. When she does come out though her hair is a mess and eyes so puffy and red and she never talks or show emotions always on the brink of tears, she does something that she thinks is right and does the skin care routine that lance always want her to do with them, feeling that this is the only way she can make it up to the both of them.

Keith never shows it in front of the paladins but when he's alone he mourns for the twins. One day he went to their room and cleaned it for them since they didn't have time last time he kept the folded jacket that lance always wears safe under their bucked bed including Eva's bunny look-alike from a planet they visited.
All of the paladins were devastated about the twins Coran felt like a failure thinking to himself that the plan failed for them and failed as a father like figure for them. 

What they don't know is that they are alive their suits are broken including the chip and a certain species that is known for being the most beautiful and powerful but also very hard to find, saved the twins.
Hey little potato here um....
Sorry for not posting for like a year and a few months now

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2020 ⏰

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