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THE NEXT MORNING, THE SUN SHINED BRIGHT IN THE Salvatore's living room, waking up Claudia. She got up, not being able to sleep due to the light. After brushing her teeth and washing her face, she washed her face and realized that no one else was awake. Claudia contemplated going back to sleep, and then realized that she could use the moment as the perfect time to annoy Damon by waking him up. She knew that he hated having his 'beauty sleep' interrupted interrupted, and seeing as he had done the same thing to Claudia for the past few days, she decided it was time for some payback.

Tip-toeing quietly, she made her way to Damon's room and carefully crept behind him. Using her hands, she placed her palms on Damon's head and laughed to herself, while manifesting an image in his mind. She gave him a dream about herself, one where she was fighting him and actually winning. Chuckling to herself, Claudia decided to add Katherine in the dream for good measure, and reveled in watching Damon squirm in his sleep.

After a while, Damon shot up and Claudia removed her arm from his head and shot to the other side of the bed, getting under the covers with him. Damon took a deep breath and collectively gathered his thoughts before turning to her. "Feisty this morning aren't we?"

Claudia smirked in response, but still did not say anything. "And we're not talking either? Great idea for your ego by giving me that dream by the way. We both know that I would kick your ass in real life. Katherine's too."

Claudia rolled her eyes coyly but still did not speak. "Did you go mute overnight?" Damon questioned, beginning to get frustrated. "Do I get a good morning kiss?" Claudia nodded her head yes. Damon leaned in, lips pursed, and she did the same. At the last second, however, she flipped on top of him and plunged her hand into his chest, right on his heart. Damon yelped in pain, and his body writhed on top of him. "Get. Off. Of. Me. Right. Now." Damon forced out, clearly hurting.

"Oh Damon," Claudia laughed. "This is fun! Were having good-" She pushed her hand in farther, "Old-" She twisted her hand, "Fashioned fun! I can feel your heart beating. one move and I can rip it right out."

"You won't." He rolled his eyes in annoyance, as if she were inconveniencing him.

"Yes I will. Here's the deal. Stop playing games with me. I don't want any more fake dreams, proclaims of your love, and you are not allowed to lock me up ever again. Do you understand?"

Damon's face strained in pain as Claudia's grip on his heart continued to hurt him. "I understand." He said painfully.

"Great!" Claudia removed her hand from his chest and Damon doubled over, heaving, as his chest began to heal itself. "Glad we came to an understanding. If that understanding is broken, you're going to die. Got it?"

Damon rolled his eyes and got out of bed, racing over to Claudia. He stood face to face with her, their breathing audible to one another. He looked in her eyes and her breath quickened under his glare. "Got it, princess. Good morning, by the way." He said, pushing a stray hair out of her face with his finger and lightly brushing his lips with her forehead. He then exited the room as quick as the gesture happened.

Claudia stood frozen, unable to fathom what had just happened. For once, she had the upper hand over Damon, and then he had ruined it again using their undeniable chemistry against her. It was infuriating, but at the same time made her heart race in more ways than Claudia could explain.

She was truly, madly, undeniably still in love with Damon Salvatore, and there was nothing she could do about it.

Claudia walked out the bedroom and into the parlor, joining Damon, as well as Elena, Stefan and Rose. They looked surprise to see her emerging from Damon's room, except Damon, who winked and threw a smirk her way. She ran her fingers through her hair and tried her best to look composed. Claudia didn't know why she felt so guilty, she and Damon hadn't done anything anyway, and they probably never would. Pushing the thought of her former romance from her brain, she focused on the conversation at hand.

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