||Chapter 3||-Head Rest & Video Games

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Time skip to 2 weeks later Zoe's POV I woke up up at nine am I walked downstairs and into the kitchen and took my normal spot next to Jackson I started eating my berries once I was done I walked upstairs and got ready for my day I smiled as Romona...

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Time skip to 2 weeks later
Zoe's POV
I woke up up at nine am I walked downstairs and into the kitchen and took my normal spot next to Jackson I started eating my berries once I was done I walked upstairs and got ready for my day I smiled as Romona and I had a girls day we painted our nails and did our makeup I smiled as she rambled on about my brother

"Why don't you just ask him out on a date"I said to her as she stood up from her bed

"He wouldn't say yes"She said grabbing her phone off the charger and coming and sitting back on my bed this time which where I was looking at the girl who was madly in love with my brother

"Have you met my brother"I asked giving her a "Are you serious" look

"Yeah but he'd be my first date and we just met and I wouldn't know what to wear and what to do"she said covering her hands with her face then taking them off

"Go to the movies and I'd help you"I said

"Ok Yeah sounds good"she said

"well hello ladies"Max said walking in

"Hey"I said smiling at him

"So I hear someone is going on a date"Max said

"You were ease dropping"Romona asked him

"Yes I was"he said smiling

"Well nobody's going on a date yet Romona just might ask Tyler"I said Max nodded

"Well I got a popsicle with my name on it"Max said running out of the room I stood up from my bed and closed the door

"Got anywhere with Jackson yet"Romona asked me I shook my head and sat down on my bed again

"He's in love with Lola I'm just gonna give up"I said she gave me a sad smile

"You can't give up Zoe you guys have grown so close these past few weeks"she said walking over to my bed and wrapping an arm around me I rested my head on her shoulder

"We're just better off as friends maybe I could go for someone else"I said knowing I don't want to move on from Jackson

"I can see you and Jackson being together Trust me"she said I smiled at her as I lifted my head off her shoulder as my phone went off I picked it up Jackson said he wanted to play video games now I stood up

"Gotta go play video games with Jackson"I said opening the bedroom door and going upstairs I sat down next to Jackson as he handed me the blue Xbox controller as he had the red one we started playing COD and of course Jackson won every time he danced around the room as his little victory dance I giggled at him Tyler came upstairs

"Romona just invited us to a movie later"Tyler said I looked at him and quickly got up and mumbled an

"I'll be back" running into our room

"Us you invited us"I said closing the door and sitting on her bed she sighed

"I panicked I'm sorry"she said

"Don't be and who knows maybe you two will makeout or something"I said jokingly Max raced into our room

"I heard the good news now outfit time "Max said going into mine and Romonas shared closet
"What's your favourite slushy colour"Max asked her

"Red"Romona responded Max pulled out a red dress as I scrolled through my phone on Instagram and well snapping Jackson back and forth like we always do even though we live in the house


I walked downstairs with Romona I was wearing a jean jacket and a dark blue dress with my navy blue converse Jackson and Tyler smiled at us

"Ready to go"Tyler asked I nodded

"Have fun on your date"Max said

"We're not going on a date Max just as friends in a big group "Tyler said just as we were about to leave

"Not a date I just spent an hour picking out Romonas outfit"Max said walking close to all of us I cringed holding onto Jackson's arm

"What's going on"Tyler asked looking at Romona I bit my lip at her nervously Jackson looked at me

"Yeah what is going on"he asked I shrugged acting clueless

"I don't know what he's talking let's go Lexi is waiting"Romona said nervously as we walked our side I waved to Max before Jackson grabbed my arm pulling me into the car I was sitting in the middle of Jackson and Tyler as Romona wanted front seat once we got there we got in line and I got some popcorn and a blue slushy Romona got a red one to match her dress we got our tickets and walked into our room we walked all the way up the steps to the back I sat down next to Jackson Romona as next to me and Tyler was on the other side of Romona the movie stared and Jackson jumped a lot from it being a scary movie I giggled

"This is getting boring wanna go play some arcade games"he whispered in my ear sending chills down my spine I nodded as we stood up and walked down we played a few games into Romona and Tyler came out

"How was it"I asked Romona as Tyler and Jackson were in front of us as we were walking to the exit to my moms car

"I touched his hand on purpose but said it was an accident so progress"she said I giggled at her


"I'm getting tired"I said standing up from Jackson's bed as we were chilling watching Netflix on his iPad he pulled me back by my hand

"Can you stay that movie was kinda scary"he asked I smirked

"Your such a baby"I said he smiled at me as I crawled into his bed under the covers as he did so also I felt his arms wrap around my small waist and pull me closer to his chest I've been sleeping a lot in his bed the last few days normally back I've been passing out from watching Netflix with Jackson

"Night"Jackson said

"Night" I said as I felt myself drift in the arms of the boy I want to be


So it's like 12:45 am where I live so sorry that this is kinda short I'll try to do a better chapter tomorrow❤️

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