Katniss Vs Aloy

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Katniss slowly creeped through the shrubbery. Her naked body rubbing against the plants. After the defeat of the revelation most of her friends were killed straight of, but Snow had a much darker fate planned for her. Not only was she forced to partake in a 3rd Game, but had to fight this one completely in the nude for all the Hunger Games perverted fans. But she had almost one, only four combatants were left.

      She stopped as she reached the center of the arena where a large collection of supplies had recently been dropped. But she wasn't alone. A young barely eighteen had already reached the supplies before she had. The girl was also bare and her body still petty. Katniss felt, bad but the only way to survive was to win. The Girl on Fire stood allowing the sun to act as a spotlight for her body. Her young and firm breast bounced slightly as she jumped up with her healthy butt followed suit. Her skin was delicate and was rather light. Her stomach was a healthy size not fat or thin, her legs thin yet strong with a tight shaved pussy in between them. Katniss's knocked her arrow. The girl gasped but was quickly silenced as the projectile stabbed her through the throat.

      Katniss sighed as the teen fell dead.


     A girl exclaimed running over to the dead girl. Katniss tensed up again. She must be a friend of the other girl she thought as she knocked another arrow.

      Aloy pushed through the wilderness as her bare breast jiggling with every step she took. She had no idea how she ended up in this sick game, but she was determined to survive. If the man who had been announcing the game had been truthful a stockpile of supplies should be just up ahead. She walked out of the shrubbery into the center of the arena where the sun lit up her body giving everyone watching the games at home something worth looking at. Her tan body was clean and smooth without blemish and what her boobs lacked in size they made up for with perkiness, her butt was a smooth bubbly  and her stomach strong and muscular with well defined abs, her legs were strong, and muscular yet thin and between them was her red hairy pussy.


     a girl looking to be around twenty exclaimed running at something.

      “better to get rid of her now”

     Aloy said knocking her bow and firing an arrow.

      Katniss prepared to fire her arrow, but before she could her target fell dead, and behind her she could vaguely make out a redhead. The archer's eyes meet (though they were too far away to know it), and instantly knew only one was going to leave alive.


       Aloy nocked an arrow, and the two women let their arrows fly simultaneously. The two projectiles grazed each other before continuing towards their targets. Both women evaded the attack, and Katniss shot another arrow. The projectile hit Aloy right in the shoulder and she stumbled backwards with a grunt of pain as her hot blood gushed out giving her body stripes of red. Katniss fired another arrow, but Aloy managed to dodge it before stumbling into the wilderness behind her for cover.

      “not going down that easy”

      Aloy said ripping the arrow out of her shoulder. She pulled out a fire arrow, and rested the tip on her shoulder a moment gritting her teeth as it cauterised her wound. After a moment she pulled the arrow away and knocked it. Katniss retreated to the wilderness and slowly made her way around the arenas age. It took her almost a half an hour, and night had fallen, but she finally managed to spot the redhead. However, Alloy also had spotted her. Katniss reached for an arrow but Aloy was way ahead of her.

       “let's see how you like this”

      She commented to herself before firing the flame arrow. The projectile only grazed Katniss cheek, but hit a tree behind her causing the flames quickly to spread to the nearby vegetation. The heat got intense fast causing Katniss's naked body to glisten with sweat but she still managed to keep her cool.

       “You're not the only one who can do that”

      She said knocking an incendiary arrow before firing it at Aloy. The arrow landed at the redheads feet before exploding into a blast of flame casing her to stubble back, and fall on her bare ass. The flames quickly spread making the already intense fire even worse. The two archers stumbled out of the forest just as the flames became too much for them to bare.

      Katniss fired an arrow, but Aloy easily dodged.

      “You're gonna have to do better than that”

        She said shooting a freeze arrow. The arrow cut Katniss's calf sending a cold chill up her body causing her nipples to stiffen up and her to fall to her knees. Aloy knocked another freeze arrow as she walked over to Katniss preparing to finish of her foe, but before she could Katniss grabbed a stone throwing it at Aloy scrapping her eye. The redhead stumbled back more surprised than hurt giving Katniss time to fire another arrow. The arrow penetrated her belly causing her to moan in pain as she grabbed her wound. Katniss shot an explosive arrow at her foe, but the pain from the freeze arrow caused her to miss. The projectile landed a few feet away from Alloy before exploding sending her flying. Katniss knocked her last arrow, and walked over to her downed foe preparing to finish the job, but before she can Aloy stood firing a shock arrow which pierced Katniss's belly. She only had time to look surprised before being shocked. Her body shook violently causing her breast and butt to jiggle. As Katniss stood there shaking Aloy nocked an arrow. As soon as the shock arrow wore off Aloy fired her arrow which pierced Katniss's knee cap. Katniss stumbled back with a blood curdling scream. As she stumbled backwards Aloy fired another arrow through her other knee cap causing her to stumble back with another scream now standing in front of the two dead girls (the second had fallen on top of the first after being shot). Aloy fired two more arrows which pierced her foes elbows but Katniss only managed a slight grunt as she was becoming too weak to scream. Her mouth opened and it seemed if she was going to beg for mercy, but before she could an arrow pierced her skull. As the arrow hit her, her head jolted backwards before falling back down words causing her to stare at the ground with her tongue out. She stood there a moment before losing her bladder letting out stream of pee on the ground below her before falling backwards on the dead girls. Her soft feet twitched violently, but only for a moment. Katniss Everdeen was dead. Aloy, the 76th winner of the Hunger Games stood there with her nude and bloody body light up by the forest fire the two girls made.


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