Night We'll Never Forget

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Prompt: Your friends try to get you to go to a party, despite your reluctancy. You end up agreeing, and don't regret it at all.

Word Count: 2,193

Warning(s): Mention of drinking, like one cuss word

Note: This is a modern AU because those are just easier for me to write, haha, hope you don't mind.


"I already said no."

An exasperated groan was earned from one of her flat mates. Lily stood watching in amusement, biting into her toast. "Lils, can you please back me up here?" Marlene begged, (Y/N) shaking her head vigorously behind her. Lily seemed to be lost in thought for a moment, but she already had her answer before being asked.

"I think I have to agree with Mar, (Y/N)-" The said female fell back onto her bed dramatically, interrupting the red-head's sentence with a loud sigh of annoyance. "-you've been cooped up in here for too long."

Marlene added on to Lily's statement, "Yeah and frankly, hon, it's been affecting you. I swear I heard you reciting Color Theory facts in your sleep when I was going to the bathroom." (Y/N) let out a breathy laugh, immediately catching herself and trying to keep a poker face. She bit her lip, putting her thoughts together.

"I don't know, guys...I'm not the best at social events."

"Then this can be some well-needed practice! If you ever feel uncomfortable, just try to find us." Marlene reassured.

(Y/N) was about to protest when Lily went before her, throwing a sweet smile over at her. "We care about you, which is why you should take our advice for once in your life. If we turn out to be wrong, you can scold us all you want." Marlene copied Lily's expression, throwing her arm around the still unconvinced female. "In addition to what our lovely red-head has stated, if you don't have a good time, we can't let you tutor us on a hard subject throughout the next two weeks."

(Y/N) smirked, already liking the benefit she would get from this bargain. "Alright, you guys got me, I'll go." Her friends cheered, doing cute victory dances. "However, can you help me pick out an outfit? As smart as I am, I know nothing about these things." Marlene and Lily shared a knowing look, nodding at each other.

Her room was in a mess of clothing, shoes and makeup within what was probably five minutes. All three girls were sat on the floor, backs against the foot of the bed. (Y/N) glanced across the room while her friends high fived. Judging by the state of her once-neat living quarters, she was scared to think about how crazy things got for them if it was a larger event.

Marlene was the first to speak up after long seconds of silence, "You know, I feel like this is going to be a night we'll never forget."

What have I gotten myself into?

- - - -

"You look stunning, love!"

(Y/N) twirled in front of the full-body mirror. Her friends' compliments made her feel better, but she still felt uncomfortable by the length of the dress. Marlene must've noticed. "Girl, can you stop pulling the end of the dress down, you're goin' to end up ripping it." (Y/N) laughed nervously, now conscious of what her hands had been doing. "Right, I just-...I've never worn something so short."

Marlene snorted, checking if her lipstick was alright next to her. "Well, you look mighty fine in it. Don't steal all the good ones from us tonight."

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