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Overview: FluffFluffFluffFluffFluffFluffFluffFluffFluff 

Sirius decides he wants to send you love letters while you guys are attending Hogwarts.

Word Count: 2,448

Warning(s): One curse word, that's it. You're safe here.

Note: The first two settings of this one shot take place during the 5th year. You'll know the setting of the third when you get there. Hope you enjoy reading. <3


(O/N) = Owl Name


     The hundreds of fluttering wings entering the Great Hall cut off everyone's conversations as they excitedly waited for whatever mail they might be expecting.

     (Y/N)'s parents were busy on business trips as they had described in their previous letter, so she stayed focused on the delicious pancakes in front of her. Sweet, fluffy pancakes-her mind seemed to have gone numb because Lily was practically shoving her to the point where she could fall off of her seat. "Oi, Earth to (Y/N)!"

     Finally snapping out of her daydreaming state, she turned to the redhead that glared fondly in her direction. "Something's arrived for you, you were too braindead to notice." (Y/N) pouted in response but took the piece of parchment from Lily's outstretched hand. Marlene attempted at peeking over her friend's shoulder, trying to see the contents of the letter. Her actions didn't go without (Y/N)'s notice, who blocked Mar's view. A familiar fancy yet rushed handwriting filled the paper.

"Dear my darling dove,

I stole some parchment from Moony, I'll have to be quick about this so I can send it before he murders me. I heard you talking to Evans about how you think getting sent love notes and letters is romantic, so I thought I'd start surprising you with some. I'm going to guess you smiled at that comment. Merlin, imagining it is making me want to see you already. Your smile is the only thing I continue living for, really. I got a little cheesy there, didn't I? I'm not the best at writing but I want to make you feel like you're loved, like you're special. Being with you is one of the most wonderful things that's happened to me, you're truly the light of my life. Shit, I think I hear Moony. Going to have to cut this letter short, love. I promise the next ones will be worthy for a goddess like you.


Your favorite Gryffindor"

     There was a smile spread on (Y/N)'s face as she finished reading and looked over to a beautiful pair of grey eyes, the usual smirk on her boyfriend's face. Sirius seemed to be satisfied with himself, winking over at her. Such a simple action but it sent butterflies coursing through her. The things that boy did to her. It will be one hell of a ride if he planned on sending more of those.

     She then became suddenly aware of the giggle fits next to her as well as how dumb her loving expression must've looked to those around her. Marlene snickered. "I don't think you need to tell us who it's from anymore."

- - -

     Sirius had certainly lived up to the idea of sending love letters. He hadn't missed a day so far. He'd sometimes even send more than one. However cheesy or cliché they were, she loved receiving them, nonetheless. She started to laugh softly to herself, remembering the rant he had went on during one of the letters about how he was certain Prongs secretly wanted him and not Lily.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2022 ⏰

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