Epilogue - A year later

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Kellin Quinn wakes up to a sweet smell filling the room. He inhales slowly and instantly realizes the scent smells like recently made waffles, which makes him smile while he opens up his eyes. He turns to his side and cuddles into a pillow and looks at the closed blinds that are keeping the sunshine away from the room. It appears like it is going to be a hot one today and Kellin wouldn't have it any other way. He situates himself more comfortably between the pillows and that's when it downs him. Right.

He quickly checks his phone on the bedside table and confirms it, but before he can do anything else, the bedroom door opens and in walks the brown haired boy that he gets to call his boyfriend. The word still sounds unreal to him. Vic is his boyfriend. He's boyfriends with his best friend. The thought makes his stomach flip.

Vic is holding a tray with what looks like tons of breakfast food in it, and just at the sight of it Kellin's stomach grumbles. Vic walks a few steps towards Kellin when he realizes the boy is already awake.

"Baby," he whines and physically deflates. "Why are you already up?"

Kellin laughs and sits up on the bed, rubbing the sleep off his eyes.

"Something smelled really good," he grins.

Vic sighs and walks all the way to their bed and sits besides Kellin, placing the tray in front of him.

"Alright, let's pretend I just woke you up," he says and gives him a golden smile. "This is for you."

Breakfast in bed. Leave Vic to have the most overused but completely romantic idea for today. Only he would wake up at ungodly hours to prepare all this for him, for their...

"Happy anniversary, Kells."

He can't believe it's already been a year. Three hundred and sixty five days since that date that changed it all. To him it feels like it was yesterday, really. That dumb party, his run away from that dumb party, their kiss in the rain, the takeout they ate at Vic's place while watching movies all night after the rain stopped... it all feels so recent still.

He remembers everything so clearly, especially those three days he spent with Vic in Albany after, being the tourist he never thought he'd be. Vic showed him the city he grew up in from the most known places to the most secret ones he'd discovered as he was growing up. That had been Vic's plan all along, to get Kellin to know his hometown. Vic never expected to do it while holding hands with him though, or kissing anytime they had the chance. It was better than they could've ever imagined.

And so much has happened since then too. He guesses time likes to fly. But time is something he doesn't like to worry about at all, and it really shouldn't matter when you're spending it all with the best person by your side.

Kellin smiles at Vic and hugs him tightly, careful not to let anything fall from the tray. "You shouldn't have," he smiles against his shirt. He looks at him and his smile turns into a smirk. "Happy anniversary of the best day of your life."

Vic scoffs, "and yours."

"Yeah, I guess..." Kellin shrugs, but is smiling the whole time too.

Vic leans into him and kisses him softly on the lips, Kellin closes his eyes and savors the moment. No matter how many times they kiss, butterflies will always erupt inside him when their lips touch. Kissing Vic is his favorite thing and he feels like he could do it all day, but then his stomach grumbles again.

Vic pulls away and rests his forehead against his boyfriend's. "Someone's hungry," he smiles and Kellin rolls his eyes. That signature blush present on his cheeks.

"Okay, what did you make?" The dark haired boy looks at the tray still on his lap. Vic prepared all his favorite breakfast food and his heart warmed at the thought of him doing all this while he was sleeping. Vic sits in front of him with his legs crossed. He picks up the cutlery he had placed neatly on the side of the tray and starts to cut up the blueberry waffles with cream. He holds up a piece to Kellin's mouth.

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