2: never find salvation :2

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My mind stirred before my body did, groggily thinking about where, who, and what I was. Once I realized that I'm not some random ant in the rainforests of Africa, my eyes opened. I had to blink several times, as there was an annoyingly bright light above me. There was a moment of contentment before all of my memories came flooding back- everything that had ever happened in life hitting me at once. Every memory, painstaking moment, emotion, and hurt I had ever felt hitting me at once, making me choke on my nonexistent words as I attempted not to break down in tears on the spot. I breathed raggedly as I stared up above me, my vision somewhat blurry and my body feeling as though I was laying on a large pillow, or some sort of insanely fluffy mattress. I stared into the bright light, which just seemed like a large blob because of the water I was attempting to see through. A moment of realization struck me, just as my annoyance was beginning to cultivate. My eyes widened in surprise, as I had heard stories that those who got to heaven see a bright light after death.

Was this a joke? Wasn't self-harm and suicide completely and entirely against the rules the Bible presented?

Wait, the Bible is true?

Holy fuc- oh, uhm... heck. Cursing is illegal in heaven right? Am I even in heaven?

I blinked a few times, groggily pushing myself upward. I felt a single tear roll down, one escaping from my left eye. I picked up my hand and rubbed it off, crossing my legs to get into a more comfortable position. My foot hit something, so, curious, I removed the balls of my hands from my eyes and glanced down. There was my guitar case- in pristine condition. Didn't I jump into the bottomless pit? Shouldn't it be destroyed?

Or do objects of value come with people into the afterlife? And in perfect condition?

Questions flooded my brain by the hundred, but I decided to focus on the things I could identify immediately.

I found it odd that it was on a bed on flowers. Golden flowers to be exact- although I couldn't pinpoint what kind. Maybe a Buttercup? I wasn't a flower cone-suer or anything, so this wasn't surprising. Still, you'd think that living in Ebbott town all my life, I would be familiar with some of the wildlife.

Then again- I guess I'm not in Ebbott anymore.

But they were all beaten and battered- the flowers, I mean... none of them were whole- every single one of them had a chunk missing from a petal, or was crushed almost beyond recognition- except for the closest ones. The ones near me were the only ones that seemed to be healthy. Their color was brighter and more notable than the others', and they seemed to be in good health. The patch was rather large- so there were a considerable amount that were destroyed. Why were the ones near me the ones that seemed healthy? I reached out to touch one of the broken ones, but as soon as my finger made contact, it's wounds healed, and it stood straighter. I snapped my hand back, furrowing my brows as I stared at it. The hell...?

I looked around more- finding the situation to be more and more absurd as I investigated it. I seemed to be in a sort of cave. There were large pillars going up and down the sides, somehow working with and around the natural formations of the earth. The earth seemed to be dry and barren- unkempt and un-nurtured. The only living things seemed to be the vines crawling up the stone pillars- but even they seemed to be a deep, sickly green. The ground on which the flowers grew was a dark purple soil of the likes that I had ever seen, and it seemed much more solid than any other dirt I had encountered- almost as though it were a dyed stone. The pillars led up to a large, rounded roof, which ended with a large opening- which had a bright light (strangely reminiscent of the sun) shining through it.

My eyes widened in horror and I scrambled backward upon the flowerbed, any flower that I touched healing and growing upright again. I panted as my eyes darted around the room- noticing vaguely that there was a hallway to my right.

I... I have to be dead, right?

No human could survive a fall of that height...

So maybe this... maybe this is limbo! Where I get judged and sent to one of those places...

Yeah, that's the only thing that would make sense..!

Because I wouldn't have survived the fall...

And those flowers... I couldn't have...

"Chill out," I mumbled to myself, flicking myself in the cheek. Something Cal always did.

I stood up, newfound determination settling in. Obviously I had to go down that hallway- then I would be found, judged, and sent wherever people go after they die. Yeah... yeah, that's it. Nothing else to it. I'm dead.

I stood, somewhat shakily. My head throbbed lightly as I stood up, and I had to blink and steady myself to calm it. I reached up and rubbed my head, and it suddenly felt better. I raised an eyebrow, glancing at my hand, which had a soft, green glow coming from the palm. My eyes widened, and I yelped in surprise, shaking my hand as though I were trying to get it off of me. It disappeared just after I did so, and I rubbed my hand on my sweater just to make sure it was gone.

"Weird..." I mumbled, bending down to pick up my guitar case and slinging it over my back, the strap hugging snuggly onto my torso.

I stepped down the flower patch, noticing that they healed wherever I stepped as well. I furrowed my eyebrows. Why the hell does that keep happening...?

I took a large step once I was closer to the edge of the patch, not wanting the weirdness of that random healing thing to continue on. I continued to look around the area as I walked down the hallway, noting that the cave bent into a high-ceiling hallway with a rounded roof- looking like someone had spent a considerable amount of time crafting it. Every part of the hallway was a muted purple color, the floor just slightly lighter than the walls. And there were these weird piles of dust along the walls... small collections of white dust. I dunno, maybe someone hasn't cleaned in a while.

I reached the end of the hallway quite quickly, finding a doorway. There were large pillars on either side of it, that went up to conjoin into an overhead design with a symbol I didn't recognize.


I walked through the doorway, finding a bright light shining from a hole in the overhead roof. It seemed that this was also just a natural forming cave- unlike the hallway, and more like the room I had woken up in. The light was singular, with no other source in the room, and it shone down on a singular, particularly beaten flower. I stared down at it, entirely confused. This seemed to be the only one with one or two singed petals, as if someone had tried to burn it.

Uhm.... okay....

Maybe this is.... a test or something. The healing thing from before! If you heal it, you go to the good place, if you ignore it, you go to the bad place! Yeah, because that totally makes sense.

Eh, whatever. Every religious freak I've met always says 'God works in mysterious ways.' I guess this is part of that.

I walked forward, glancing around the room again. That weird dust was here too- it was only a little bit, though. Just like the hallway.

I got to the flower in just a few steps, crouching down so that I had better access to it. Here goes nothing, I guess... I outstretched my hand toward it, fingertips just barely visible above the hem of my sweater sleeve. As soon as my middle finger made contact with a petal, that weird green light appeared again, flowing into it. However, that was very short lived, because as soon as I did so....

A face....

Appeared on the flower....

The flower....

Had a face....

It's eyes widened upon looking up at me, and I scrambled backward, face contorted into one of shock as I sat on the ground in an extremely lazy crab-walk position. I stared at it, and it stared right back. It looked exhausted, scared, and totally done with life. Now, I may have just communicated all of that to you, but as I analyzed how the flower looked and what the fuck was going on, I was dishing out an automatic human reaction to something like this.

Obnoxious screeching.

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