Two Seniors

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My family and I went to a Mall, it was super huge and I never such a Mall like this. It was very awesome.

Me and my parents went into the frozen food section to find some food stock for our house. And yeah, it took us some time to do so.

When I was looking at the ice cream near a refrigerator, I saw a Mewtwo was beside me and grab the ice cream I just saw and walk off.

That was literally the first time I ever saw a legendary in my entire life, and I wonder if I can be friend with him.

Then we went to the electronic place, there was full of game consoles, video tapes, and so on.

When I look around, I suddenly bump into another pokemon that made me fall on my butt, that was hurt.

"Hey, you okay kid?" The Pokemon hand over his hand to help me up, I saw it was a Lucario, but it's not shiny like Edmund. Although he does have a long bone attached behind his back.

"Thank you sir." I said to him. "Next time look at where you are going, okay?" Said the Lucario as he walks off.

When I got out, I saw he was with the same Mewtwo I just saw at the frozen food place, they are somehow talk about something.

I walk closer towards them to hear what they are talking about, until I got pulled by my Mother. "H-Hey Mommy!!"

"Please don't go around here too much Frosty, we'll lose you." She explains to me as I pouts.

We then arrived at the bakery in the mall as we are enjoying our snack for a while. It was the best since I had the most tastiest buns ever.

But I was in shock when I saw the two Pokemon again just far across our table and they are still talking about something.

I just want to know what they are talking about, and that time was my chance.

"Hey Frosty, can you stay here for a moment? Mommy and Daddy has to go to the bathroom." She said then I nodded.

When my parents leave me, I then took the chance and walk towards them. I finally can hear what they are talking about.

"So yeah, how was you and Edmund?" The Mewtwo ask the Lucario. "Pretty well, even if I was going Hiatus, he was there to comfort me."

"They actually know about Edmund?" I whispers to myself.

"But I wonder about this Naruto guy that everyone has been talking about."

"Yeah, someone said he was a savior of the Watty Town to protect everyone from that Flygon."

"Yeah, but we didn't get a chance to meet him thought, he sounds like something else."

"You guys know about Edmund?!" I burst out on their table that made them startled and almost made their breads fall. "Oh, sorry."

The Mewtwo started laughing softly and the Lucario was giggling.

"Man, you are an energetic one, are you kid?" Said the Lucario as he lift me up and put me down besides him.

"You look new here kid." Said the Mewtwo. "Who are you?"

"I'm Frosty Zaki, I just move here a few days ago." I answered him.

"Well greetings, I'm Gallade." The Mewtwo said then the Lucario continues. "I'm Blue Strike, Blue if you want to call me."

I search their name up using my T-Pad scroll and search their user up, their username are BlueStrike and Mewtwo_Mew, then I friended them.

I saw them opening up their T-Pad, it look like a flat Mew head and a flat Zoroark head as they smiles.

"What a cute account you have here kid." Said Gallade to me.

I saw their account, they are marked as one of the senior writer around wattpad, I was happy to be friend with him. "So you two are the senior writer around here?"

"Yeah, you can say that." Said Blue as he sips his coffee.

"Well I'm looking forward to see what you guys are up to, but I still wondering who is this Flygon who took down Naruto before." I ask them.

The two look at each other then look at me. "Well, he is one of the Watty Town people that hated everyone when they are happy, so he broke their happiness by taking them down even they who are against him." Gallade explains to me.

"R-Really? Do you think he'll come back?" I ask them in worries.

"He is down, so I don't think he'll come back." Blue confirm it to me then I sigh in relief.

"I'm glad."

I then saw my parents came out of the bathroom as I quickly jump down from their chair. "I better get going, nice to meet you two seniors." I then run back to our table.

When I sat down, I saw my T-Pad that they friended me back, I was so happy that I giggles in happiness.

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