7: A Call From Home

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Dylan's POV

After Shen Yue and I spoke she lead me to the guest room and I sat down on the bed.

I take my bag and empty it on the bed. A device I recognized from back home to communicate when we were far away fell from the bag.

Of course , River would put that in there. I smile remembering how much my older sister cried when I was leaving home. I knew it hurt her to see me go and I also knew she was hiding something from me but I didn't want press on the issue.

The device rings and its River calling. I pick up and I'm greeted by River and my best friend ,Caesar.

"Hai", I greet them. (Hi)

"Haow aare tahings waere yaou laanded",my sister asked. (How are things were you landed)

"Gaood, Haow ias eaverything baack haome ", I ask them. I wondered how my father took things when he was informed I left.(good, how is everything back home)

Caesar takes out his device and pulls out a video.

"May saon , ias aa caoward faor raunning , aand faor tahat Ia oaffer may daeepest aapoligizes", my father apologizes on my behalf to the Gallieons and even goes as far as bowing his head to King Morning Of Gallieons.(my son is a coward for running , and I offer my deepest apologizes)

"Waow", I'm left completely utterly speechless. My father was really going so low to form a dumb alliance. (Wow)

"Hae ias baeing sao iagnorant aand baowing to aa palanet wahos daone naothing baut haurt uas", my sister says sadly.(he is being so ignorant and bowing to a planet who had done nothing but hurt us)

"Ia maiss haome aand ia baet oaur oawn paeople aare tarash taalking aand dairtying my naame", I frown. (I miss home and I bet our own people are trash talking and dirtying my name)

My sister shakes her head and grows mad. "Yaou haave sao mauch paotential, Didi, Ia baelieve Ian yaou", my sister says. (You have so much potential,Didi , I believe in you)

"Sao dao Ia" , Caesar adds. (So do I)

"Iat waas naice sapeaking tao yaou , taalk saoon", I say goodbye to them. (It was nice speaking to you, talk soon)

"Ia laove yaou, Didi,take care", River waves goodbye. (I love you ,Didi, take care)

"Baye may fariend", Caesar says bye as well. (Bye my friend )

"Taake caare oaf haer", I refer to my older sister. I knew she was older than me but despite her being two years older than me , I always saw her more as my younger sister than my older. (Take care of her her)

"Aalways", Caesar assures me. They hang up and I'm left in utter silence. (Always)

It was nice hearing from home despite how my father was making me look in front of our people and our enemies.

A knock on my door interrupts my thoughts. "Come in", I say to whoever is knocking.

In she walks in, the small figure ,Shen Yue. Her son following behind her.

"Dinner is about ready", Shen Yue says. Her son jumps up and down.

"Hi you don't know my name but Shen Jay, I'm this beautiful woman's son and most likely only friend besides Nanny Willa", Jay says cheerfully and I chuckle at how funny this kid was and not to mention smart and witty.

Shen Yue gives Jay a look and he ignores her and continues on.

"Anyway , can I get your name before I tell you what my mommy made!", he says.

I nod and extend my hand out. "Hello Shen Jay, my birth name is Wang Hedi but my name for everyone back home is Dylan Wang"

Jay takes my hand shakes it. "I think I'll like you , Dylan"

"Mom made sweet and sour pork ,stir fried noddles and my favorite dumplings!!", he adds and jumps up and down.

"Sounds delicious", I say and smile at Jay and then Shen Yue.

I really take a look at the woman in front me. With everything that had happened I hadn't had a chance to really look at her.

She was stunning, sweet ,caring and people didn't really deserve such an amazing person if I was honest . That was would I could describe her as and she looked like she had a big wall around her heart that was built by whoever did her wrong. I was glad I had decided to erase her past from my head.

If I was to know anything about her it would be when she was ready to tell me about herself and when she trusted me enough.

Shen Yue coughs and smiles. "I'll go set up and see you in a few!", she says and leaves my room.

"Hey Dylan... She's single and you seem like a good guy , you should date her", Jay cheekily says and winks.

"Shen Jay!! , get over here and quit bothering our guest!!!", Shen Yue yells.

Jay eyes widen and he looks over at me one last time before quickly mouthing. "Think about it"
And then he runs off.

I laugh this kid was adorable and I was sure going to make my stay here fun and enjoyable.


Back home River anger grew more and more each day by what her father was saying about her little brother.

It made her blood boil. He knew what Dylan's purpose was and how powerful he was and he still dirtied his own name.

River furiously walked to the throne room. She had enough of her father and how weak he made himself look in front of everyone and how he terrible he made Dylan look.

Dylan might have not been her real sibling but a distant relative but after growing up with him , she didn't care... to her he was her brother.

River opens the doors of the room and looks at her father with so much anger.

"Yaou maake mae saick", River spats. (You make me sick)

"Laeave uas", my father commands her guards and people. They all shakily and scared leave the room leaving River and her father alone.(leave us)

"Yaour barother ias aa caoward", her father begins saying. (Your brother is a coward)

"Yaou kanow haow paowerful hae ias aand Yaou satill gao oan aand taell oaur oawn paeople aand tahe Gallieons , yaour gaoing tao daisown haim!!!", River was so angry tears were streaming down her face.(you know how powerful he is and you still go on and tell our own people and the Gallieons , your going to disown him)

"Hae ias naot yaour raeal barother, River Wang", her father reminds her.( he is not your real brother,River Wang)

"Tao mae hae ias , hae'll parove eavery saingle paerson, waho eaver daared tao saay aanything baad aabout haim iancluding, yaou, tahe maan waho raaised haim", River says before turning to leave and leaving her father to ponder and completely stunned by her actions and words.( to me he is , he'll prove every single person ,who ever dared to say anything bad about him including ,you, the man who raised him)

Thank you all for 500 reads in such a short time , I love y'all 💙😭

All the love , Ella

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