9: Really Bad Insomnia

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Shen Yue's POV

After dinner and cleaning , I put Jay to sleep and then I went into my own room.

And the I drifted to sleep after tossing and turning for like two hours straight.

"Slut", my mother says as she slaps me.

"I'm pregnant mother , and I need yours and dad's support", I repeat myself.

"I won't have a harlot of a daughter living under my roof get the hell out !! , I don't wanna see your face again", my mother spats and points towards the door.

I run to the front door and then suddenly my father is behind me.

"Yue ,Yue", he yells as he catches my arm.

"Here to tell me the same thing , Bà", I cry.

He shakes his head. "I love you , Yue , I'd never disown you or call you those vulgar names your mother called you, I'm here to help you get away until your mother cools down", my father says and pulls me into a hug.

"Daddy , he left me and promised me all these things and even a future and he bolted when he got the chance and found I was pregnant , am I not enough", I sob into my father chest and hug him tighter.

My father presses a kiss into head. "You're more than enough , you're my strong girl and you'll get through this", he assures me.

I woke with beads of sweat in forehead and panting. I jolt up in my bed and look a the time in my nightstand.

3:37 am. Great , this again. My phone rings in my nightstand and I quickly answer it.

"Hello", I greet the person. "Yue", my father says happily.

"Bà , I haven't spoken to you in forever , how are you", I say to him and smile.

"How are things in California", my father asks me.

"Good bà", I say. "How's my grandson", my dad asks.

"Growing more and more each day, he misses you"

"I haven't gone down and see the both of you ever since we started contact again , I'm thinking of going to visit you two ,soon", he tells me.

"Definitely come bà", I say. He laughs. "You're mother is mad I'm keeping contact with you even threaten to divorce me, that mad woman, I'll never stop contact with you and Shen Jay", he assures me.

"I don't want to cause you and mom to separate, bà", I say seriously.

He sighed. "I sent my own daughter away to an unknown country... I'm sorry for leaving you on your own"

"It's okay bà , I learned to be independent and that's good", I say.

"I love you so much , Yue , I miss you, I know you think your parents disowned you sometimes and that you did everything on your own with Jay and for that I'm deeply sorry , I hope you know I didn't ever disown you and if you ever felt like I did , I'm sorry", he apologizes.

"I'm sorry for including you in the disowning part bà and for yelling at you when you called me , none of it was your fault , you did nothing but help me", I apologize on my behalf of ever saying he disowned me like my mom did.

A few weeks ago he was able to get my number from one my aunties I still kept contact with back home and when he called me I basically went off on my poor father and took out all the rage I had felt all these years.

"It's okay, I have to go now, I'll call before I'm for sure on my way over there, oh I almost forgot to tell you , Yue,  Myung Jae-Hyuk , he's back and is looking for you and wants part in Shen Jay's life, even came to the house and asked for you, I didn't even tell him the little boy's name or if he was a boy or a girl ", my father says.

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