A Special Treat

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The morning has finally arrived, birds chirping outside while the sun's warm rays of light shined through Illya's windows, causing her to slowly wake up out of exhaustion. She sat up in her bed and yawned, stretching her arms up to help loosen her muscles and be fully awake. She then remembered something which caused her eyes to widen and jump off the bed, looking around for Ruby to know if Kuro came back or not. "Ruby! Ruby where are?! Please come out!" She was frantically looking around her bedroom to find Ruby, until the magical wand woke up and flew to Illya. "Don't worry Illya, I'm here! No need to panic. If you're wanting to know about Kuro, well... She was kidnapped!" The silver haired girl's eyes widen in shock, her heart started to ache and throb as she slowly teared up. "What do you mean kidnapped?! Why didn't you tell me after coming here! We have to find her then before something hap-" Ruby quickly put her wings onto Illya's lips to hush her, apologizing to her master right away not knowing Illya would react this crazy. "No, no! I'm joking Illya! Kuro is alright, she's home safely in her room asleep-!" Illya snatched Ruby right away in anger, starting to stretch her without hesitation. "Don't joke around like that! This isn't funny Ruby!" She screamed out loud as Ruby squirmed in pain, apologizing to Illya until she finally let her go.

"Never joke like that again!" The small girl yelled out again before she left her room, heading to Kuro's right away. As she arrived at her room, she stood front of the doorway before entering the bedroom, making sure she doesn't wake her sister up. As Illya was inside, she left the door cracked and slowly tip-toed to Kuro, seeing her twin sleeping peacefully then sighed in relief. 'Thank goodness she's alright.. Sheesh, what was Ruby thinking? Joking like that wasn't even funny!,' she thought in her head.

Illya then pounced onto Kuro, causing the pink haired girl to wake up right away and startled. "H-Huh?! I'm up! I'm up!" The tanned girl screamed in fright, soon realizing it was Illya who woke her.

"Illya? What are you doing here?" Kuro asked with her head slightly tilted, not caring that her twin was on top of her. Illya smiled down at her then laid onto Kuro, nuzzling her face against her sister's. Kuro's face started to heat up, her heart slowly racing, hoping Illya doesn't hear nor feel it. "Wh-What's this all of sudden..?" Kuro asked nervously until Illya finally stopped, sitting up onto her sister's lap. "I know what today is, Kuro. It's Valentine's Day. So, how about we go to my room okay?" Kuro immediately nodded as Illya giggled and got off, heading to her own room now. Kuro then got up and grabbed the bag that had the gifts before following her, hiding it behind her back and closed the door after they walked in. The tanned girl stood where she was at as Illya pulled out something from her dresser.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Kuro!" She shouted in excitement, handing Kuro a bag that had some goodies inside. "Thank you Illya! I uh.. Got you something t-too!" Kuro pulled her arms out and handed Illya her gift bag, taking the one Illya was giving her. The two girls looked through the plastic bags and dug inside, seeing what they got for each other. They both started to blush but smile as well, liking the gifts they got for today. 'A bear plush.. How cute...' Kuro thought to herself, then realizing what was depicted on the heart the bear was holding 'I love you.'

Illya put her gift bag on her night stand, then came up to Kuro and hugged her tightly. "Thank you so much Kuro, I really love them!" She stated, soon kissing Kuro on the forehead. The tanned girl started to blush and give Illya a kiss on the cheek, smiling softly at her. "You're welcome Illya, and thank you as well! I was actually worried you might've hated them.." She said, soon looking down a bit, kinda worried if she does deep down. Illya shook her head and kissed Kuro's cheek, trying to comfort her and let her know that she does love them. "Not at all Kuro, I love them, really! So cheer up please!" Illya said to Kuro, not letting her go until she knows Kuro is happy. The twin then looked up at her and smiled, glad to know Illya really does love them. The silver haired girl let Kuro go then, telling her to wait here as she goes out to give the others their chocolates. Kuro nodded and sat on Illya's bed, watching her twin leave the room and shut the door. As she was by herself, Ruby pops out and spins around in excitement. "Hey Kuro! Want this to get more exciting for today? I know something you might like~" Ruby said in a weird voice, trying to catch the girl's attention, which she did in the end.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2019 ⏰

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