Chapter 3

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Title- The Rescue

By- InuVampireChan

Genre- Romance

Pairing- KakaIru (Kakashi x Iruka)

Words- 10,657

Characters (no spaces) 47,626

Chapter 3

“Lets get moving Pup.” Iruka nodded in agreement and pulled Kakashi onto his back again before following the path. It got darker the further they moved and Iruka found himself wishing that he had an affinity with fire. “Where do you think this leads?”

“As old as it is I’m not sure. Hopefully right to where Genma and Raido are…” He was worried about his teammates almost as much as he was worried about the man resting on his back. Kakashi was in bad shape and if he didn’t get those Chakra retraining cuffs off he would never get any better.

They continued to walk for what almost felt like an eternity, Iruka’s back slowly starting to throb with the weight of the other man. When he almost felt like he was going to collapse they reached a dead end. Iruka gently slid the older man off of him and rested him against the wall before looking up to the exist. “We’ll have to climb and I can use Chakra rope to get Kakashi up there.” If it didn’t break under the older mans weight, but Chakra rope was fairly strong. Iruka helped Pakkun out first before he threaded his Chakra around Kakashi. With barely any help from the Ninken the two of them were able to get Kakashi out if the hole and resting against a tree. Iruka collapsed next to the other man before glancing around, lips pressed together tightly.

“Were on Konoha land, but where we are I have absolutely no idea.” Lost in his own land, now that was just purely pathetic for a Ninja. Iruka sighed and glanced over to the man he had just risked his life to save. “We shouldn’t stay here for long, we need to get far away from the trap door incase the others start to follow, but first…” Digging through his bag Iruka retrieved a Senbon that he took from Genma and crept closer to Kakashi. Turning the Chakra neck cuff he placed the Senbon into the lock and started to twist around inside. It took a few minutes but eventually he heard the distinct click and the guard fell off. Lock picking was something most Shinobi were good at but when you have pre-genin that try everything to lock you out of your own classroom it becomes even easier. Iruka repeated the action with the remaining cuffs and eventually Kakashi was free, his Chakra slowly starting to replenish itself. “Alright Pakkun lets get Kakashi out of here.”

Iruka lifted the man onto his back again and took off into the woods, jumping through the trees and heading toward something that would hopefully remind him of where he was. He kept a close eye on Kakashi as they traveled, making any notes in the mans change and how his Chakra was doing. Though it depleted his own to keep a close eye on the others body status it was worth it to make sure that the other wasn’t going to die. By the time night fell Iruka was dead tired, walking through the woods now as he fought to keep himself up right. Pakkun from all the jumping had reopened a few of his wounds and looked like Iruka felt. “I think were far enough away now, let’s rest.” The dog nodded in agreement and Iruka placed Kakashi down, looking the man over again before turning to the dog.

He re-stitched up Pakkun and wrapped his wounds before tending to Kakashi, stripping the man of his vest and shirt to get to the wounds that layered his chest. All the while tending to his wounds he never made a move to take off the others mask and he was honestly surprised that the grass Ninja didn’t take it off themselves. Though he could see dried blood on the garment Iruka didn’t want to invade Kakashi’s privacy by removing something that clearly was used as a defense mechanism. He didn’t know what the other was hiding but that was his own business and not Iruka’s. “I’ve tended to most his wounds, what I can fix anyway. I’m sure he has internal bleeding but I’m not a medic, standard school healing of pre-genin is my limit. Not to mention being Chakra drained. We’ll have to wait to Kakashi wakes up to see if he is going to be alright.” Pakkun nodded in understand and Iruka rolled out the only blanket he had. Wrapping it around the other’s body he sat next to Kakashi and fought to stay awake and keep guard.

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