|| e i g h t || honest 🗣

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"Honesty is the highest form of intimacy."

- unknown


Kit can't stand it anymore, the loneliness and pain. He has come to the conclusion that he can no longer bear these heavy feelings that pull his heart apart.

The brunette impatiently taps his fingers on the steering wheel as he's stopped at a red light. He really needs to get to his destination, that destination being the building of Moons Mechanical Engineering.

Originally, Kit didn't know where the building is but a quick Google search is all it took.

As he drives Kit rehearses what he wants to say to Mingkwan.

'I'm an idiot. Please forgive me?'


'I'm mad at myself for hiding away like a coward. I really feel something for you, Ming. Please let us try again?'

Better but no.

'I'm sorry. I'm sorry for running away like a coward; I'm sorry for hurting you; I'm sorry for breaking our trust; I'm sorry I'll never be good enough; I'm sorry for not giving you my heart but instead taking yours; I'm sorry.'

Fuck! I'm so stupid. I sound like a blubbering idiot. I don't deserve him. What am I doing?!

Before Kit knows it, he has arrived in the car park. He turns off the engine and rests his head upon the steering wheel.

I can't do this. He's probably moved on already, right? I should just leave.

Shit. Don't be a coward again!

After a deep breath and a quick check in the mirror, Kit exits his vehicle and walks towards the huge entrance.

Kit's legs feel like jelly and his palms shake. His heart beats wildly against his ribcage. 

He enters the expensively lavished ground floor.



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The reception is beautifully decorated with low hanging lights and plush seats. Not to mention the marble and polished wood that is spread on the floor and up the walls.

Kit feels out of place, he doesn't belong here. Especially, when the people busseling around him are in suits or smart uniforms. While he stands out like a sore thumb in casual attire looking clueless.

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