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Shawn's POV {skip ahead about 9 months to end of school year}

Today was the day I was going to ask Allison to marry me. This whole school year I have been saving up for a ring. Ian and Aaliyah helped me pick it out last week. It has been two weeks since school ended. I was planning a picnic in the park we used to hang out in when we were kids. Cliche, I know, but Ali likes little things that mean the most.

"Ali?" I knocked on the bathroom door.


"Are you almost done?"

"Yeah, give me two minutes." She replied.

I told her we were going out to dinner, Ian and Aaliyah are helping me tonight too. They are making sure nobody comes to the park. And my mom helped me cook the food.


I went into my part of the closet and got the ring, then I placed a bouquet of red, pink, and white roses on the bed with a note. Soundlessly, I tiptoed through the house and out the door.

Allison's POV

I was so happy Shawn was taking me out tonight. I looked one last time in the mirror. I was wearing a knee length black skirt with a maroon crop top. I had the necklace Shawn gave me for our anniversary last year. It was a heart pendant made of diamonds that had our initials engraved on the back. My dark brown hair was curled and in a half up do. Pinned back with a white bow.

I opened the door, expecting to see an impatient Shawn, but nobody was there. In the corner of my eye, I saw something on the bed that wasn't there before. A bouquet of red, white, and pink roses. With a note attached.


Follow the rose petals, you'll find the one you love, for one night to remember.

I recognized Shawn's slanted messy handwriting right away. I looked down at my feet to see red rose petals leading a trail down the hall.

I followed the rose petals out the door. They lead down the stairs and into the driveway. I followed the path down the sidewalk.

The petals stopped suddenly and I looked up.

Shawn was standing next to a picnic table with a white table cloth over it. The table had food on it. He was wearing a nice white button down with dress pants. Shawn was holding his guitar. When we made eye contact, he started to sing. He sang our song.

"You can't fly unless you let yourself, you can't fly unless you let yourself fall." Shawn finished the song. He put down his guitar and stepped closer to me.

"Allison. I know I tell you this a lot, but I can't help it. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Every morning when I wake up, I see your beautiful face. Every night when I come home from work, you are the one who's waiting for me to sit down and eat the wonderful meal you cooked. And when I fall asleep, you're the one next to me. You've been by my side for almost my whole life. I couldn't imagine my life without you. You are my best friend. My other half, my better half. I love you with all my heart and I will until the day I die. Allison Marie Jones, will you marry me?"

Shawn's POV

"Allison Marie Jones, will you marry me?" I finished my long speech, my voice slightly shaky. I opened the little black box to show her the ring. It was a simple silver band with 3 diamonds in the middle.

Ali covered her mouth with her hands and drew in a deep shaky breath. I could see the tears in her eyes.

"Oh my God, Shawn. Yes, yes, YES! A million times yes, of course I'll marry you!" Allison cried out and I slide the ring on her finger.

As I stood up, she jumped into my arms. My heart felt as if I was going to burst from happiness. I couldn't stop smiling. With Ali in my arms, I twirled her around. My face buried in her neck. I let out a relieved breath. Her arms tightened around my neck. I held her in my arms for what seemed like a million years.

I finally put Ali down and before I could say anything, she leaned on her tiptoes to kiss me.

Before anything could progress too much, I pulled away and she gave me a pouty face. I pecked her lips once more.

"My mom helped me make dinner for us tonight."

Ali smiled and grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers. Her firm grip helped stop my shaking hands. I lead her to the table and then sit across from her.


After we ate, we sat out on the blanket and looked at the stars. After about an hour, Ali's eyes started drooping and her head became dead weight on my shoulder.

"Allison, wake up my beautiful Angel. Time to go home."

She made an unpleasant noise but eventually got up. I packed all of the stuff into the picnic basket.

We walked the same path from a few years back. The same sidewalk where I had thought I had lost the most important thing in my life. The most important person in my entire world. Allison Marie Jones. Soon to be Allison Marie Mendes.

Allison's POV

This was the most perfect night ever. Shawn made this night unforgettable. I can't believe he proposed. Even though a small part in the back of my head knew he was going to propose. The whole walk home, I couldn't stop smiling.


Shawn opened the front door for me. He left the basket on the porch and swung me up into his arms. Shawn carried me over the threshold.

"Shawn, aren't you supposed to wait until after the wedding to do that?"

He laughed. "I couldn't wait."

Shawn shut the door with his foot and carried me up the stairs.

He sat me on the bed, as I carefully undid every button on his shirt. We began to take off every article of clothing, not wanting another minute apart.



"I love you so much."

"I love you too Shawn."

And the touch of our lips started the beginning of our first night as an engaged couple.

Amnesia (Book #1 in the Shallison Series)-CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now