Chapter Thirteen

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Shawn's POV {6:28pm}

Allison just called me and told me to come pick her up. I was in the middle of practicing playing the guitar. I wasn't very good at it yet.


I pulled up to the cemetery and saw Allison sitting on a bench. She was the only one there that I could see. That made me nervous, thinking of her recent accident. After I stopped the car, I got out and walked over to her. I wrapped my arm around her as I sat down.

"Hey Angel. Are you ready to go home?" I asked her, kissing her cheek.

Ali leaned her head into my shoulder.

"I don't have a home without my parents."

"You're wrong Allison. You have a home. Not with your parents, but with me."

Ali looked up at me and smiled.

"Thank you Shawn. For everything. Let's go home." Ali says enthusiastically and jumps up from the bench.

I laugh as I opened the car door for her.

"Come on slow poke!" Ali says, pulling at my sleeve.

Then I start the car and we drive. Drive off into the sunset to our home that we share.


Allison's POV {10 months later}

"I can't believe we just graduated high school!" I yelled to Shawn.

I still couldn't believe that these last couple months have gone by so fast.

Shawn tipped me backwards so all of my weight was on his arm. He leaned down to kiss me in front of both of our families. I heard cheers and clapping but we still didn't pull away. Finally, I think it was Shawn's grandmother, who screamed, "Okay that's enough Shawn! We don't need her getting pregnant yet!"

My cheeks burned. I ducked my head into Shawn's chest. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Shawn's mom turn pale and say, "Yet?"

Shawn's dad grinned and came up to Shawn, giving his shoulder a friendly pat.

"At least wait until marriage to get her pregnant, Shawn."

Again, I could feel my cheeks turning super red. Mrs. Mendes squeaked out a reply. "Marriage?"

I could feel Shawn's chest vibrate with deep laughter.

We spent the next few hours in Shawn's backyard, visiting with friends and family. My grandparents would be leaving in 3 days to go back home with my little brother Ryan. Shawn and I would be keeping the house. I got a weekend job working at The Turning Page. (Weekends are Fridays and Saturdays). A bookstore next to Tim Horton's. During the week I worked from 9-4 at the town library. Shawn got a part time job working at the music store.

In the fall when we go to school, Shawn and I will be attending the community college. I will be studying to be an English teacher at the middle school and Shawn a high school music teacher.

We have the next 4 years ahead of us planned. And we are ready...

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