Who you want

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Tomorrow was the day that you wish would never come. Tomorrow would be the beginning of a routine you hated, school. You get in your bed ready to sleep even thought you were far from being tired. You were already stressing about tomorrow, worried if everything would go right. School is a place you hate where people misunderstand you and just doesn't give a barely shit about you like if you never existed. You wish that it was a mistake, that you still have a few months before school but no, the never ending cycle of sadness and loneliness would start tomorrow and you can't do nothing about it. You finally close your eyes wishing you were already done with school.


You were woken up by the light of the sun, you woke up nervous thinking you were late for school. But when you open your eyes, you weren't in your bed room, everything seem beautiful and peaceful. You feel change. You turn your head feeling a presence beside you. You gasp in surprise, not knowing if you should be scared. Laying peacefully sleeping beside you, was the man you've always dreamed about, the one that was plastered on your wall, that famous rock star that made you dream of better days, that man that give you courage and sexual frustration. It was him, with all the tattoos covering his arms and other parts of his body. You couldn't believe it! Were you dreaming? You pinch yourself to make sure but you were still in bed, with that one person you truly love even thought you never met him. Suddenly he wakes up, his bright eyes looking at you as he smile, "Come here babe" he said in a sleepy voice as he open is arms for you, you dive in his hot embrace as he lace his arms around you. You couldn't believe it! You were fangirling over him just yesterday in your room and now you wake up with him in bed in a place that felt like home. But at that point, questions were useless, you couldn't care less about knowing what the fuck happened, you were happy and living a dream with the man of your dream that was in your favorite band. So you just stay in his arms hoping that this wasn't only a dream.

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