aight so im really freakin weird

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In Latin class last Friday, I found my boyfriend's missing pen, and then I started writing super random stuff with it because it's a really nice pen.

So thought I'd share everything I wrote because it's absolutely stupid. (Everything not in bold is what I wrote)

This pen is so nice omg.

There's the sugar brethren.

How many spirals are on my notebook?

Blue Kyle.

Mama Mia Sopapilla .

Life is a box of chocolates, hon.

Two credits for Latin, my friend.

8, 8, 8, 9, 8, 8, 10, 8.

This is a wild ride, mī amīce. (Means "my friend" in Latin)

Pass the lettuce, bro.

Flashbacks to 7th grade commense.

Suck my butter.

He looks like Vincent Van Gogh.

I want to eat some nico nico kneecaps.


Latin is way better than Spanish.

*paints nails black*

I refuse to acknowledge the demons in the room.

Nothing can vanquish my determination to die.

Actively brutal carnivores.

Wash your hands after you touch the Egg.

Peace sign.

*aggressively yee yees*

Cows are NOT purple, Mom.

I wish to eat my homework.

Don't touch me.

There are 8 billion people on earth and I was lucky enough to fall for you.
(Me @ my bf lul)

50/50 chance I will be a mushroom in the next 27.7 hours.

Monday can suck my butter sticks.

This water bottle belongs to Shrek.

I hope we all burn and die.

Sometimes I see titties in the clouds.

I'm going to shoot lazer out of my eyes tomorrow.

Pink glitter is beneficial to your diet.

Mitto, mittere, mīsī, mīssum. ("To send" in Latin.)

Ban orange trees.

Not the fruit.

Consume the pink books.

I am the Lorax.

Lorax penis.

Mexican Vincent Van Gogh.

S u f f e r.

Fuzzy pickle slurpees.

I'm going to mcyeet these mcfreakin hands.

25 more minutes of hell.

The worksheet is on page 420 lmao blaze it *insert some emojis here*

I mean I guess so.

Number 42, your order of boiled sock water is ready.

Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to please put down the radish, this is a violence free zone.

Lacey, Millie, and Paris are cool names ngl.

Green shrimp.

Doors are just portals to other dimensions.

Babies were created by the government to protect society.

Erase my lungs.

Vagina Tortillas.

If you don't like my cursing, then sorry I can't switch to Christian mode.

When I'm asleep, sometimes I hear seals slapping on pavement.

Dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun.

Get ready ISIS, we have a Karen.

The government just wants us to believe that Africa exists.

That was intense.

Feed me cake pops rn and no one dies.

I look important when in reality I am not.

*paper rip by FrostyDiancie* me: *dab*

The children won't be laughing much longer.

That moment when you start hearing color again, ugh.

I will break your ear bones.


You look like a burnt banana peel.

So those are just random thoughts and shit that popped into my head during Latin class.

Some are ridiculous and some are dark.

But hey, that's my brain during school for you lol.

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