my asian friend bullied me for looking asian

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my entire life, i have longed for another human to love.

i desire nothing more than to share a care so great for someone, that we go out on our own; with no one but each other, to start a life. 

the idea of blossoming a new family with someone is perfectly ideal, and that's why i moved to japan. 

i'm a 22 year old guy. additionally, i'm a total chad. 

i'm 6 foot 2 and i'm pretty muscular, and my dick is a nice size. the only downfall ? i watch a fuck ton of anime and i don't plan to stop.

anime has taught me everything i know. how to make out with people, how to live off of only rice for two months straight, and how to go super saiyan. it also taught me how to distinguish traps, and real women. i'm not gay, so of course that's gonna be needed.

now, even though i'm a total fucking weeaboo..i actually know how to speak japanese. i'm not like the other weebs.

with my knowledge from anime and japanese speaking abilities, i'm off to live my life in japan. i'll get a sexy big boobied gf in no time.

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