Chapter 4.

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"Hey, Kurt." Finn calls from the doorway of his stepbrothers new room as the younger teen sits on the floor ruffling through clothes.. "I think this is the last box. Anything else?" He asked.

Kurt only manages to shrug his shoulder and shake his head pulling out his clothes from the box.

"Who was that man you and Burt were talking to?" Finn asked suddenly.

"He said his name was Blaine Anderson, He lived here for a while. He said if we needed anything we can go to him, He uh, seems really nice." Kurt holds back a tiny smile as he mentioned Blaine.

"I don't like him." Finn says as he picked up another box and set it on the bed. "He seems like a pervert."


"What? It's true."

Kurt was about to speak but a doorbell rung out through the house, Finn and Kurt looked at each other before Kurt walked down the stairs. Kurt slowed down the stairs as his father was already at the door, He was speaking to someone.

"Kurt, You remember Mr. Anderson don't you." His father asked.

Kurt started to blush. "Of course." He said, and mumbled 'How could I forget...' under his breath looking at the handsome man.

"I hate to intrude." Blaine started, "I know you gentlemen just arrived here's and still unpacking, But I would love if you guys join my friendly get together at my place. Tonight? For dinner. Eighty O'clock?"

Burt looked at the time on his watch on his left wrist, Wow that's soon. "Well, We Haven't Really got anything to eat for the night at home." Burt responds thinking about the offer.

"For dinner, Jake our cook we are hiring for the night makes roast chicken, potatoes, and a simple but elegant mâche salad, all with the ingredients I picked up at a market earlier. We are serving asparagus in a mousseline sauce so delicious you could faint... Are you a football fan, sir. It can be fun, you and your son will have a blast."

Blaine took a gaze at kurt, He couldn't believe how fast his mind laid a claim on the boy. Blaines mouth went dry thinking of how one day kurt's body would too. Fuck, I needed a drink. Or two.

The boy seemed like the type that kept people at arm's length, Not letting anyone new be close to him maybe from personal choice- either way, I wanted to know him so that those eyes were narrowed and focused solely on me.

Burt looked at his son. "Kurt, would you mind if we visit Mr. Anderson for dinner."

Both eyes of his father and Blaine were looking at him for answer, He quickly answered for the looks to stop. "Y-yeah, I don't mind."

Burt patted kurt's should happily, "That's great so it's settled, Blaine I'll be right back I'll give you my card with out phone information."

"Fantastic." Blaine says as he watched Mr. Hummel disappear into the house, Leaving Blaine in the company of the little boy.

Kurt looked up at the man in front of him.     "U-um, Would you like to c-come in and wait, O-or something to drink?" Kurt speaks quietly.

Blaine laughed, and kurt frowned.

"You know, people talk more when their  nervous," he said, still standing close to him.

Kurt gave an awkward laugh, "Um, e-excuse me?"

"Do I make you nervous?"

"N-no. I'm not nervous." Why am I so awkward Kurt thought, He groan slightly not relilizing it and Blaine eyes shot up alert at the unexpected sound.

Blaines glance went to his lips, then back to the boys blue eyes. "Hmm, Maybe I was wrong then..."

The man swallowed the lump that was in his throat, He felt like a schoolboy having his fist crush with the most gorgeous boy he has ever set eyes on. He was so beautiful. He had been admiring the boy beauty since he got here,  but it never seemed right to act on it. Somehow, things felt more normal being in his home.

It was like the past few days were just a crazy nightmare that had finally ended, except it didn’t. It was only on hold for a while, but it was long enough to act on his feelings. He wanted the boy badly. Everything about him was absolutely perfect!

But there’s something you don’t understand about me, something kurt will never love me back for. When it will comes to kurt, I'll do whatever it takes to have the the boy with me.

I'll steal him from any another boy he comes close to, blackmail your father, although Mr. Hummel seams like a good man, But that's how it will be if things don't go smoothly. Or maybe threaten someone’s life to bind him to me. Or kill a man for coveting what has always been mine.

"Here we go." Burt came back handing the card to Blaine as he excepts it with a thank you. "Sorry it took so long, I think it's to make some more."

"No, Problem Mr. Hummel."

"Please, call me Burt." Kurt's father suggested.

"Burt. Of course. Thank you. I'll give you call." Blaine took a last lingering look at the boy and made eye contact. "I'm Looking forward to dinner... " He nodded and smiled putting the business card in his back pocket. Walking back into his house Blaine had to make a quick phone call.

"Mr. Anderson. What can I do for you." The other side of the line said.

"Brian, I need you down at my place in 20 minutes and bring my business phone book."

"May I ask what this is regarding?" Blaines secretary asked.

"We're throwing a dinner party..."

A/N: Thoughts?

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