Alex was a bright eyed young child. Always making her parents happy. She had long gorgeous brown hair that she always kept curled. Her eyes were the purest honey brown anyone has ever seen. Her mother Anita named her baby girl Alexandria but as she grew both Alexandria and her father grew fond of just calling her Alex. Alex admired the love her parents shared for each other. their hard work and compassion. Alex grew up wanting a love like that.

Her parents had the nicest house Alex has seen. Secluded from anyone else. Her parents let her travel the world at the age of 16. Alex always came home with stories of museums, foods and always new books to soak into her mind. She was educated and oblivious to the dark secrets the world had. Always reading fables, or so she thought.

After her last trip to Greece, Alex just turned 26. She got her hands on a book, a very powerful book with secrets every dark being wanted and Alex had no idea. On the night that changed her life, she was up in her room reading from this new book when she heard voices she didn't recognize.  Curious as ever, Alex went to go find out what was going on.

"you can't hurt her. Shes still so young." She heard her father speak. "i want the book. If you're gonna stand in my way...I'll kill you." a British voice spoke. "please, we do't have the book." her mother pleaded. " don't, She does." the British voice said.

Alex crept closer. who did the voice belong to and what book were they looking for?

Alex tried to be stealthy, if this man wanted to kill her parents for something she had, she had to save them.

"Alex, so nice of you to join us." the British man said. How did he detect her? He didn't even look at her yet her body joined her parents in front of the man. confused, she asked, "who are you? what are you?"

the man smiled at Alex. "the names Crowley darling. King of Hell." Alex's face only got more confused.

"She doesn't know what you want. Don't hurt her." you father spoke to the man. Crowley rolled his eyes and twisted his hand ever so slightly and Alex watched as her fathers neck snapped and he fell to the ground. She heard her mother cry out. White noise filled Alex's ears. Tears blinded her eyes as she looked to this..Crowley man.

"the book Alex. where is it?" Crowley asked her. "what book?" she questioned in choked words. "the one you discovered from Greece." Alex shaked her head in disbelief. "a book? for a book?" she cried out to Crowley. "you killed my father over a book?!" Crowley once again rolled his eyes and walked off towards alex's room. Her and her mother's bodies still stuck in place she watched as Crowley walked by the open doorway with the book she was reading just moments ago. "thank you darling." and with that he was gone and she could move again.

Alex watched as her mother's body sank to the floor beside her husbands and Alex rushed over and held her sobbing mother, rocking her back and forth. It was at this moment that Alex sore to fins this man named Crowley or whatever he was, and kill him. She will avenge her father's death.

A/N: guys this is my first fanfiction....of a show so please bare with me. I'll be updating frequently I don't have a set schedule but it will be frequently cus I have writers block for my music so why not start a story, right.

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