Alex pulled in behind the black impala she seen driving into that town. It was those men. They were inside with her mother. Alex grabbed her gun and put the blade in it's holder on her jeans. She ran to the door of the big house, if anyone saw that house they would know of the money that family brought in. Alex opened the door and as soon as she did she heard her mother's voice. For the first time since after her father had died. Alex slowly walked towards the sound of her mother's voice to see her mom and the two men sitting in the living with coffee talking together. The men in suits. All three looked up at Alex.

"oh honey, these men are with the fbi, they were looking for you. they think you might be connected to a case. is everything alright sweetheart?" Alex walked to her mother and hugged her tightly. "mom, you're talking again." Anita hugged her back then pulled away slightly to look at her face. "yes, its been awhile since i have. Mariana helped me bounce back...just recently actually." Alex smiled at her mother. The brothers looked at each other awkwardly before Dean cleared his throat. Alex turned to face the boys, slowly taking a seat next to her mother. "its Alex, right?" the tall man with long brown hair asked. "whose asking exactly?" Alex spoke to them. The men motioned Alex to talk outside. She hesitantly stood as they did and Alex walked them towards her front door, taking one last look at her mother. As soon as all three were outside with the door shut Alex pulled her gun on the men.

"who are you?" Alex questioned them with her gun pointed at dean. Both brothers had their hands up in surrender. "alex, we just wanna talk, jody called us." the tall one spoke. So they were those men Jody called. why would they come all this way for her? "why follow me? you dont know me." Alex said to them. "Because of Crowley." the shorter man said. "what do you know about Crowley?" Alex questioned. The men looked at each other. "drop the gun and we can all talk." The shorter man said once again. "names first." she stated. "im dean and thats my brother sam. now the gun." Alex slowly lowered her gun to her side and even slower put it away in its holster. The boys dropped their hands and approached her. leaning against the impala parked in her driveway. "alex, how long have you been a hunter?" Sam asked. "not that long." Alex answered. "Crowley killed your father? why?" Sam asked. Alex sighed. "Over some stupid." Alex rubbed her hand in frustration thinking of the memory. "I got the book on a trip to Greece, Crowley came one night asking about the book. My father just wanted to protect me. Crowley just snapped his neck like it was nothing, just by a flick of his wrist. what is he?" Alex spoke to the brothers. "a demon." Dean said. Alex looked at him questionably. "a demon? you serious?" She asked them. They nodded. "well fuck." Alex cursed. She paced a little bit in disbelief. "do you two know where he is? Is that why Jody called you?" She asked sam and dean. "not exactly, we have history with Crowley. We thought we might be able to help you." Sam said. "but revenge, it doesnt last Alex." dean told her. "i don't care. that son of a bitch doesn't deserve to live after what he did to my father. And i know my father wasn't the only person to be killed at the hands of Crowley." She told the boys in front of her. Sam and Dean felt sad for her. She was just a rich girl who got mixed into some trouble and it changed her whole life. It made her just like them. "if you guys are hunters, why the fbi get up?" Alex asked the boys. "kinda how we find out information." Dean told her. She nodded in understanding. She never had to do that yet. 

"uh please, come inside. You can stay the night, we have guests rooms. It's late out and im sure we can accommodate better than some shitty motel." Alex told the men. They smiled at her and thanked her as they all walked back inside the expensive home where Alex grew up.

"Alexandria, please bring the agents and come eat." Anita told her daughter. Dean looked at Sam and smirked. As if to call dibs on the young woman who invited them to stay. Sam rolled his eyes. 

"i hope this is good for you guys." Alex told the men as she showed them a guests room with two twin sized beds and its on en suite. "its perfect Alex, thank you." Sam told her. She smiled sweetly at him. "well, goodnight guys. thank you for staying and helping me with this." Alex told them. "yeah, no problem." Dean told her. Alex smiled one last time at them before departing to her bedroom she had for the past 26 years. Now that shes back home and her mother is better, She knew she was gonna wake up to cake her birthday presents. She was turning 27 tomorrow and with her current company she wished her mom forgot but knowing how her parents are, or were, she knew there was to be a celebration. She just dreaded it with them there in the house. but what could she do.

Alex lay in her bed awake for half the night, thinking of whats to come, not just in the morning but when she finds Crowley. If revenge isn't worth it, why does she still want to seek him out? Can she even take on a demon? She finally dozed off to sleep but it felt so short as before she knew it she was being awoken by Mariana who told her to get dressed. Alex's mother was waiting for her int the dining room with a big birthday breakfast. As Alex sighed but obeyed , Mariana went to wake up their guests. The last thing Alex wanted was for those handsome strangers to know eve more about her.

Alex rushed downstairs before the boys even had a chance to wake up. "mom, you didnt have to do this. theres guests here." "yes but Alexandria, their fbi agents, they probably don't get to experience this as often as we do." you looked at mother strangely. Until you heard the sound of footsteps rounding into the dining room. you heard two voices then. "woah.." "it's your birthday?" What didnt give it away? the huge breakfast? the decorations? or the cake sitting on the table.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2019 ⏰

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