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This is where the adventure see if I really can save him...but little did I stressful it can be..and how interesting it can be when I met some strange people who ended up helping me through this.


I was at the local library, going into the old mythology section to see if there was anything about demonic angels, rows upon rows of books before me. Some had old leather bindings, some were so worn you couldn't see the title until you opened it up. The old, musty smell of these books drifted past my nose when I came across one with an angel wing etched into the side, a sword resting in the middle of it, pointing straight down. Taking it out, it read Angels and Demons throughout History

Hanging onto it, I found a nearby table, opening it up, a little puff of dust coming out of the pages. Coughing, I waved it away from my face as I started to read.

For the first while, it was nothing but the history of each angel listed on the page, going on for a few more pages about where they originated, and what they did. Giving up on that one, I picked a few more books, trying to find something on how to defeat a demon angel. All they gave..was how they came to be like the first one, and how bad they can be.

Opening up another one, I found a weapon that angels carried.

"It is a weapon that is powerful enough to kill angels." I read aloud. "It is made of pure silver that is doused in holy water, a blade so sharp it can cut through any angel. It was called an 'angel blade'." I scoffed, shaking my head. "Where the hell am I gonna find that nowadays?"

Closing the book, I looked at the time on my phone, seeing it was just turning midnight. I have twenty hours now..fucking great. Pinching the bridge of my nose, I stood up, putting the books away before walking out, the librarian locking the door behind me. Stuffing my hands in my pockets, I started walking back to the house, the cold dampness of the night chilling my skin. The street lights dimly lit my way back. My feet felt like they were being dragged by weights, the exhaustion settling in. Dammit I didn't want to sleep...I wanted to keep going, to find Chase, no matter how long it took.

"You won't find answers in a book." I heard someone say, making me yell in surprise as I whirled around, seeing them standing there.

"Who the hell are you??" I demanded, my hand gripping my pocket knife tightly.

They raised their hands. "Whoa whoa, no need for violence!" As they took a few steps closer, my brain immediately thought it was Chase..they had the same green hair, same facial features. But what they wore was different..something I never thought someone would wear out in public. It definitely wasn't matter how badly I wanted it to be.

They wore what looked like a red jumpsuit, with a blue mask over their eyes, a purple cape draped down their back.

"It's okay...I'm not gonna hurt you." He said. "I'm here to help.."

"Like hell I need help from someone who almost gave me a fucking heart attack!" I snapped, my eyelids wanting to drift shut, but I forced them to stay open.

"My apologies.." He said, keeping his hands raised. "I just...I was doing my own thing and saw what happened earlier so...I went to check it out and saw you looking at those books so..I put two and two together and figured you might need some help."

I raised an eyebrow at him. "That's just being a straight fucking stalker, buddy.." Keeping my knife out, I started backing away from him. "I think I can do this myself..."

Turning on my heel, I started walking away when what they said next stopped me cold.

"It's Antisepticeye, isn't it?"

Swallowing hard, I turned my head back to him, giving him a serious look. "How did you know about that?"

He put his hands back at his sides. "I've...had a few conflicts with him in the past...and I wanna get revenge on him for it.." Taking another step closer, he looked at the knife wearily. " I said..I don't want any trouble..I just want that asshole dead as much as you do."

I didn't know if this was a trick or not...but in a way...I kinda had no fricken clue what I was doing right now with this whole thing. Folding my knife, I kept it in my hand as I gestured for him to walk with me.

Once he fell into step beside me, I glanced his way. "What's your name?"

He had a prideful smirk on his face. "The name's Jackieboy Man. But you can just call me Jackieboy."

Giving him a weird look, I gave a small nod. "Okaayyy.."

Hourglass of Time (Chase Brody/Antisepticeye)Where stories live. Discover now