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I knew I could do this..with everything that happened, despite what Anti told trick me into thinking he was gone..that he was done trying...well it didn't work. I got him back. I got Chase back..the man that I love.

This is the last entry in this journal...but at least it ends on a happy note.


"Chase, hey, hey!" I said when he woke up, freaking out a little bit. "It's okay! You're safe!"

Taking a few deep breaths, he turned his head to me, his eyes lighting up. "Lily?"

I nodded, the weight from my shoulders gone. "'s me."

Smiling in relief, he threw his arms around me, holding me close. Laying my head on his chest, I felt safe for the first time in a while. This was longer a dream. It wasn't in his head anymore. It was all real. He was real.

"We did good." Jackieboy said, clapping Marvin's shoulder.

Laughing a little, I drew away from the hug when I hissed in pain again, looking at the wound, seeing the blood was dried up. "Ugh...dammit..."

"Here." Marvin said, coming closer to me. Hovering his hand over it, a yellow light emerged from his palm, my skin welcoming the warmth from it.

"Thanks." I said when he was done, seeing it was nothing but holes in the fabric of my clothes now.

"Who are you guys?" Chase asked, clearly confused.

I chuckled as we all stood up. "Chase this is Jackieboy." I pointed at him, then his friend. "That's Marvin. They helped me."

He gave a small nod. "Well...thanks guys. Really."

Marvin shrugged. "No dig deal, really. But you're welcome."

"Kinda glad he's gone now.." Jackieboy said. "Finally got the payback he deserved.."

"Anti did things to you, too?" Chase asked. When he nodded, he gave him a reassuring look. "Well, it's done now. He's gone for good."

"Thank god." I said. "Now to go back and fix that damn hole in the roof..."

"Oh, I took care of that." Marvin said with a prideful smile. "No need to worry."

I walked up to both of them, and drew them in a group hug. "Thank you...both of you. I wouldn't have been able to do this without your help." I backed away. "I'm grateful you stepped in when you did."

Jackieboy smirked at me. "You're welcome, Lily."


After we said our goodbyes, Marvin created a portal for Chase and I to step through, landing back at the house. Holding hands, we stepped inside, seeing the hole in the roof was indeed gone.

"So good to be home." Chase said. "For real this time."

I nodded. "I agree." Walking over to the couch, we sat down, and I could see something in his eyes, like a look of question. "What is it, Chase?"

It took him a couple seconds to talk. "When I was...still in my head..Stacy said something."

I raised an eyebrow. "What'd she say?"

"She said you weren't being completely honest...that you were hiding something else..." He slightly squeezed my hand. "Is that true?"

I stopped, remembering what happened. I broke my promise...of not self-harming. It happened last night. I did tell him I was going to be honest..that I wouldn't hold anything back.
Sighing, I let go of his hand, lifting up my sleeves, letting him see the scabs.
He had a hurt look on his face. "Why would you do that again?"

"Because the self-doubts came through again.." I said. "I thought I couldn't do this...the whole rescuing you mission...I almost gave up completely.."

"But you didn't." He said, gently holding my arm, his eyes locked onto mine. "You kept going, Lily. That's a sign of strength."

I smiled, watching him lift my arm up to his lips, kissing the scars like parents would to their child's wound to make it feel better. Giggling, he grinned at me, pressing his lips to mine, his hand sliding up to the back of my neck.

"I need to tell you something." I said when I drew away a little bit later. "While I was being helped with Jackieboy and Marvin..I discovered something."

Chase tilted his head a bit. "What?"

Lifting my fist, I let him see the power of the Iron Fist. The glow outlined his facial features, especially his bright, blue eyes.

He stared at it in amazement. "What is that?" He asked in awe.

I smirked. "It's called the Iron Fist. Apparently it's a good power to have, according to Marvin. It's how I beat Anti.." Letting it dissipate, I gazed at him. "It's how I got him out of you."

Chase scoffed. "I'm impressed...and now.." Taking me by the arm, he stood us up. "I need to tell you something." Slightly confused, he laughed. "Don't worry, it's nothing bad." Taking my hand once more, he gripped it firmly. "When I first saw you run out of that shelter..when I found you by that river..I knew we'd end up where we are now. And..I've never been more open about my past with anyone else. I knew right then, when we opened up to each other on the beach, that I would want to be with you for a long time." I felt myself get emotional, not even holding it back, my hand covering my mouth when he took something out of his pocket, seeing it was a little black box. "Honestly..I want to be with you for the rest of my life."

He got down on one knee, opening up the box, revealing a simple, yet beautiful, diamond ring, with a couple smaller diamonds etched on the side, a hint of rose gold around the circular part.

I started crying, but it was happy tears. "Oh, Chase!"

Laughing, he was crying a little too. Lifting it up, he asked the words that would change my life forever.

"Lily...will you please be my future wife?"

I couldn't even stand up, so I got to his level, so many emotions going through me my heart couldn't take much more. In all the years, after all the abuse, depression...everything...I a million years...saw this coming. This is the most surreal thing that's ever happened in my entire life.
I remember my parents saying this will never happen, that I would be lonely for the rest of my days, that no guy would fall head over heels for me. Never protect me, never even speak to me. I wish they could see this now...that I can prove them wrong for the first time. That I did find somebody...not just anybody..someone that cares, that does protect me, that will literally do anything to make me happy.

I covered his hands that held the box with my own, not caring that they were trembling so badly. "Yes." I said, sniffling, not even bothering to wipe my tears. "Yes, Chase, I will!"

Chase smiled in relief and excitement, taking the ring out. Holding my shaking hand, he slid it onto my ring finger, seeing it hug my finger perfectly. Standing back up, we smiled, cried, and laughed.

"I can't believe this!" I exclaimed, smiling so much my cheeks started hurting.

Chase took me in his arms, his hands resting on my back. "Well, believe it. Because it's just the beginning."

He kissed me passionately on the lips, the both of us knowing, that, even after the hell we've been through, we're still by each others side, no matter what.
That this was just the beginning of a new, happy chapter.


A/N: Thank you, thank you, thank you to every single one of you who stuck by the entire time throughout this series! Sadly, this is the last book to the He Saved Me series, but this was so incredibly fun to write. With all the twists and turns, this definitely is one of my top favorite series I've written!

Anyways, thank you for all the love and support throughout the whole thing, and please check out my other stories I've written on here as well! I love every single one of you!


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