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Emmy's POV

"Well we got to go sis. Sorry." Dean said

No please don't go.

"Why so you can kiss Roman again?" Dean asked

Maybe, ug let it go it was yesterday Dean!

Fine, but I think you want to.

Roman looked at Dean like "c'mon man let it go".

No what, I walk up to Roman stranded on my tip-toes and kissed him. He was surprised but kissed back.

I held it so Dean would be upset about it.

He pulled us apart.

Happy! Bye Seth and Roman be safe. Dean stormed away.

" Why did you do that?"Seth asked

Because he was bugging me.

Sorry Roman I was trying to get Dean mad.

"I know." Roman replied.

Hey why did you kiss me back?

"The first time I don't know, the second time I got what you were doing." he said.

oh, well bye guys.

"bye." they said at the same time then walked away.

OK , I went up to my room and fell on the bed.

Seth's POV

Did I just hear what I thought I heard, Roman kissed back both times.

"Seth, whats up?" Roman asked


"c'mon man"

Fine, why did you really kiss her back?

"I told you why." Roman said

No why did you really?

"Well, don't tell Dean but I kinda like her.

Why you barely know her?

"I DON'T KNOW OK!"Roman snapped

OK, I'll drop it jez.You are going to wake up Dean.

" Too late, Roman why are you yelling?"Dean asked

"Nothing just go back to sleep OK leave it." Roman said

"Ouch well that hurt." Dean said.

Just leave it bro, OK?

" Tell me what you were yelling about Roman." Dean said ignoring me.

"Just drop it OK Dean." Roman said getting frustrated.

"Tell me!" Dean whined

"NO!" I snapped.

"Fine, I didn't want to know anyways." Dean complained

The rest off the ride was silence.


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