Chapter 8) Can't help but falling in Louvre.

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Couple chapters left, will try and update quickly (there's two more books to this story though don't worry)

Frankie fact 9: Frankie's whole family loves marvel, Disney, Pixar, DreamWorks and anime.

Frankie fact 10) Frankie has been surfing since she was 7, she stopped at age 14 after being attacked by a great white shark during a surfing competition. (Better explanation in my first book, 'hey nerd'. Chapter 8: Phobia factor)

Frankie fact 11) Before Noah, Frankie had never dated anyone.

"I'm glad Lindsay's team won the last challenge and everything, but her being up in first class and me being back here, it sucks!" Tyler whines.
"Yeah I know what you mean. When I'm away from Izzy for too long, I get really-"
"Happy?" Noah cuts Owen off.
"Cause your girlfriend is a complete and total nutjob, and I'm not talking tiny peanuts. That girl is a Brazilian sized nutjob" Noah sniffs. Frankie raises an eyebrow, staring at her boyfriend with a small frown on her face. While she agrees that Izzy isn't as sane as most people, she thinks that Noah didn't have to be so rude about it.
"Hey, where is Izzy anyway?" Owen asks curiously, not at all offended by what Noah had said.
"I saw her go up to the cockpit to talk to Chef" Alejandro explains. Owen nods while Frankie freezes.
"Oh no" she whispers as she held onto her seat. The PA suddenly beeped as the plane shook, throwing people to the ground harshly. the plane does tricks that Frankie didn't even think was possible for the rickety old thing. The plane does a few more circus like tricks before straightening up. Frankie takes a deep breath before leaning against Noah.

"Having a problem controlling your team?" Heather smirks. Frankie turns to see that Owen and Tyler were stuck in the overhead storage while Noah had a bird cage stuck on his head. Frankie tries to not snicker as she pulls it off.
"Your attempts to insult my team are...cute" Alejandro smirks. Heather blushes before rolling her eyes.
"Whatever! My girlpower team is going to win. We don't get distracted by anything, especially boys!" she snaps. Frankie raises an eyebrow, staring at poor Cody who had sighed and looked away.

Hearing sobbing, Frankie looks over to see Sierra sobbing into a carton of ice-cream. What on earth?
"Get it together!" Heather snaps at her before dragging her out the door by her purple braid.

"This is your captain speaking" Izzy's gruff sounding voice suddenly speaks over the PA.
"If you look out your window, you'll get to see what happens when a plane does a summersault!". Frankie's eyes widen as she scrambles for the overhead compartment, hoping that it would be safer up there.

"Give me that! You might wanna hold onto something heavy" Chef warns. Everyone reaches for Owen while Frankie stays within the safety of the overhead compartment. below her, Frankie could hear Owen scream as the plane spins, turns upside down before turning sideways. This goes on for a good ten minutes before the plane finally lands. Frankie hears a loud splash and decides to get out and investigate.

Everyone was a bit shaken up, but the plane had finally stilled.


"I like Izzy but if she keeps this up.." Frankie trails off, sighing.


The teams stand in Paris, in front of the grand Louvre museum. Frankie had to smile, this was pretty cool. Chris may be a pain in the butt, and he had put the teams in some dangerous situations, but they got to go all around the world and see famous landmarks. Frankie had to question throughout the game whether it was worth it or not, but times like this confirmed that it was totally worth it.

'Hey world'. Total drama world tour. Noah love story.Where stories live. Discover now