The First

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Suddenly, Roman's phone went off, as he looked at it, seeing as it was his alarm for going home. He sighed, dramatically, as he put his fantastic book down and picked up his bag, looking back at his little 'mind palace'.

"I'll be back soon, mi casa." Roman uttered, as he begrudgingly dragged his feet out of there, completely forgetting the book that he stashed away in his bag.

Roman hummed to himself the music from his play that he was doing, as he cleared off his car, his mind elsewhere, as he got a text from his phone.

Sunnyside☀️: Hey Roman, wanna come over to Logan's after your done being busy?

Prince👑: Most definitely. I will stop by my house for a moment, then come right over.

Sunnyside☀️: Okie dokie! See you soon!!!

Roman put down the phone and started up his red car, turning the music on low, still completely oblivious to the stolen book in his bag.

He continued to drive, when he got a phone call. Being an irresponsible driver, he picked up the phone with no hesitation. "Hello, this is Roman speaking?" He said.

"... Romano?" A voice responded, shaking slightly, and only one person ever called him that.

"Virgil, how are you doing? I noticed something was up earlier and-"

"There's a snake lurking in the grass, Roman." Virgil interrupted him, and Roman made a face of confusion, pausing for a moment.

"What? What's that supposed to-"

"Get your royal *ss over here ASAP. There is a snake lurking in the grass." Virgil said, trying to sound tough, but there was a slight edge of panic in his voice.

"I see. I'm on my way, just hang tight. Can you explain what happened?" Roman asked, as he started speeding up on the accelerator, his petal near the metal.

"We were outside, sitting in the grass, waiting for Logan's brother to come home, when this massive snake showed up. You know how Logan is around snakes, it's taking Patton everything he has to keep Logan...." Virgil started, when shouting could be heard in the other side.

Logan really hated snakes, for some reason.

Virgil was cautious around them, for sure. He hated how shifty they seemed, or how it could seem innocent and then kill you in a second.

Patton liked all animals, but even snakes he was not the biggest fan of.

Even though Roman was the brave one, he didn't really like snakes either.

No one in their group ever liked snakes.

Roman kept driving, 8 miles over the speed limit in a last ditch effort to help save his compadres.

Roman came skidding to a halt at Logan's house, as he got out of the car moving to where the frozen Virgil, the restrained Logan, and the comforting Patton sat.

"Where is this foul beast? I shall slay it!" Roman announced, as Virgil took a sharp breath in. "Right there." He managed to say, as Roman grabbed what he thought was his textbook.

"Die, you foul worm!" He shouted, throwing the journal at the snake.

Unfortunately for the snake, it landed open on top of it, as suddenly, the snake dissapeared.

"Wha?" Virgil started, but it was cut off by a relieved Logan.

"I am satisfactory now, Roman. Thank you." He explained, brushing off his pants and button up shirt.

"Your quite welcome, nerd." Roman replied, as he gave off a 'heros laugh' you know, the kind that strikes fear into the bad guy.

Like that guy, whose outfit made him look like a villan from a Disney movie. He was watching from the street as a snake literally dissapeared into a book. He decided to stick around a bit longer.

Patton and Virgil both noticed what neither Ronan nor Logan noticed, but the rando guy did. Patton walked over to get a closer look at the book.

Wrong choice!

The book suddenly flipped over and flipped a couple pages, showing the pristine white color pages.

"Um, yo. Roman. Where did you find this book?" Virgil asked, turning around, not noticing the slightest breeze start to pull his hair back behind him, towards the books direction.

"Oh, the thrift store. Came cheep with my new hat." Roman fibbed, nonchalantly.

Virgil turned back around to the book, sharing a look with Patton for a brief moment. Patton gave him a comforting smile.

With logan back to his normal state, he also glanced at the book that seemed alive.

"How peculiar." Logan added to his gaze.

"We should stay back. Something isn't right." Virgil said, as he took a step back.

"Nonsense, Panic at the everywhere. We should get closer. This could be the adventure of a lifetime!" Roman said, and Virgil took another step back, now blocking Roman from getting the book. Logan's attention was on Virgil and Roman, noticing Virgil's growing discomfort.

Patton also noticed Virgil's discomfort, and was about to go comfort him, however, his shoes became untied again, and he fell on top of the portal book, dissapearing with a silent whoosh, his only witness the guy on the street. The only thing left behind of Patton was his special pair of warbly parkers, lying on the grass next to the book.

Patton was the first.

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