Dare (Jeffy x Junior)

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Requested by Gumdrop789 :D Hope you enjoy!
Stamp thingy by MixelFanGirl100
"Guys I'm sooo bored!" Junior whined to his two friends sitting on the bright red couch as always.
"Why don't we play a game or something dude" Joseph suggested.
"Like what?" Junior asked looking at the two boys.
"Hmm" Cody started "Oh! I know! Truth or dare!"
"Ok!" Junior replied excitedly. He turned to Joseph. "Joseph, truth or dare?"
"Truth." Joseph replied.
"Do you wish you actually had a mom?" Junior asked.
"Dude! Don't remind me!" Joseph whined and curdled up into a ball.

Junior ignored this and turned his attention to Cody.
"Cody, truth or dare?"
"I guess I'll start with truth" Cody said leaning back.
"Do you wish your mom wasn't a fat ugly pig?"
"Savage" Joseph mumbled wiping away his tears.
"Alright Junior" Cody interrupted. "Truth it dare?"
"Dare. Since all of you guys were too chicken to" Junior replied casually.
"Alright." Cody replied. "I dare you to put on a blindfold and then take it off and the first person you see, you have to go on a date with them"
"Pfft that's easy" Junior scoffed. "I'll go get a blindfold"
The ginger boy then ran downstairs to retrieve a blindfold.

"Ok guys" Junior said trying to feel his surroundings while blindfolded. "Where do I walk to?"
"Across the hall" Cody replied.
"But Cody" Junior whined "that's too hard"
"Relax" Cody replied "Joseph and I will wait for you on the other side"
"Okay I guess" Junior said and began walking.
Junior took a few steps and then began walking in the complete opposite direction.
"Uh, Junior, that's the wrong way" Cody said but Junior kept walking.
"Dude that's the wrong way!" Joseph repeated but Junior still didn't listen.

Junior kept walking until he bumped into something.
"Ow!" Junior whined holding his nose. He took off his blindfold and looked up. He saw Jeffy.
"You okay Junior?" Jeffy asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine Jeffy" Junior replied "it was just a stupid dare."
"What's a dare?" Jeffy asked confused.
"It's basically when you're forced to do something" Junior explained.
"Oh" Jeffy replied. "What was your dare?"
"It was just to go on a date with the fir.." Junior's voice trailed off.
"What was it?" Jeffy asked.
Jeffy gave him a confused look.
"Uh." Junior started "Wanna go to McDonald's or somewhere tonight?"
"Sure Junior" Jeffy replied.
And then my motivation left. hh I'm sorry I'll probably make part 2.

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