Green (Junior x Joseph)

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This is a Au thing (?) that I read in another fanfic- so I wanted to make a oneshot out of it.
Basically in this au type thingy- when you find your soulmate or whatever you get matching highlights in your hair- (they just appear or something so yeah-)
I haven't updated this book thing in awhile so sorry- here's something lmao


Junior rubbed his eyes, trying to get them to adjust to the sunlight. After a couple of minutes, the ginger boy slowly climbed out of bed.

Junior walked into the bathroom and flipped on the light. He looked in the mirror and sighed.

"Still no highlight."

Junior wasn't surprised, he lost hope of finding his soulmate months ago, when all of his friends found their's.

Cody and this random dude Junior has never talked to before, both had aqua blue stripes in their hair.

Jeffy and a girl named Alex (she's just a girl I made up aaa-) both had matching orange highlights on their bangs.

And even the kid Junior hated the most, Bully Bill, had found his soulmate. Bully Bill and some girl both had bright red highlights in their hair.

Junior erased the negative thoughts from his mind and started getting ready for school.

Le Timeskip

Junior walked down the hall towards his locker. Cody's locker was right next to his. Cody was with his soulmate, of course, so Junior quickly grabbed his History book and went to class.

Junior sat in a desk right next to the window and waited for the classroom to start filling up with students.

Finally, once everyone arrived to class, the teacher began speaking.

"Alright class, we are doing a project were you will be with a partner. You and your partner will have to finish your project in 2 days..."

Junior stopped listening and looked around. Everyone had highlights in there hair.

Junior laid his head down on his desk. "I'm gonna get paired with someone who's just gonna make fun of me. I'm never gonna find my soulmate.."

Junior was snapped out of his thoughts when he felt someone tapping him on the shoulder. Junior looked up.

A boy was sitting next to him. "Hey.. uh.. we're partners for the project." Junior looked at him.

The boy was wearing a dark green hoodie over his head. "Maybe he hasn't found his soulmate either.." Junior thought hopefully.

Junior felt a weird feeling in his stomach, but ignored it when the boy started talking again.

The boy handed Junior a small piece of paper with an address written on it. "It's so we can work on the project after school, y'know?" the boy said.

"I'm Joseph by the way." he said as he took of his hood. Junior looked at Joseph's hair and all his hope left his body. Joseph had a lime green stripe in his hair.

"So he had found his soulmate."

Junior laid his head back on his desk. "Hey.. you okay?" Joseph asked with worry in his voice.

"I'm the only one in the whole school without a soulmate." Junior whispered. "Shit. You weren't supposed to say that out loud Junior!"

Junior looked back at Joseph who was smiling. "I wouldn't be so sure about that.."

Junior was confused at first but then all of a sudden he had a boost of excitement. Would he finally find out who his soulmate is?

Junior quickly jumped out of his chair, almost falling. "Mrs. R??" he said "can I go to the bathroom?"

Mrs. R looked up at him. "Sure Junior, just be back in a few min-" but Junior already ran out of the classroom, towards the bathroom.

Junior stepped into the bathroom and closed his eyes. "Okay Junior, he thought to himself "after all these months you're finally gonna find out who your soulmate is!"

"One," Junior said out loud still closing his eyes. "Two... Three!"

Junior opened his eyes and looked at his ginger hair. There was a bright lime green stripe.

"Just like.." Junior was interrupted by a voice, it was Joseph's.

"I guess I'll see you after school, soulmate."

Oof that was bad aaa- I can't write smh
I'm ship Joseph x Junior and Cody x Junior equally- so yeag.
Thanks for reading my cringe :,)

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