Why do people tell me to let go?

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    What is the meaning of letting go?

The meaning of let go can mean many different things to different people. For some it is to let go of a feeling or to let go of stress. For others it is a term used most often when dealing with highly emotional things, like a death or an illness.

     Why do people tell me to let go?

People tell others to let go because they can no longer handle the feeling of stagnation from the past. They so not like how some people can not let go of things or loved ones. They have been taught from a young age that it is ok to hold on for as little time possible until it is time to let go. To hold your head up high and hope for the best to come to you. But some people cannot let go.

     Why can people not let go?

  These type of people are physically, mentally, and emotionally not ready to let go. They cared so deeply, were infected so deeply that they cannot let go. They do not have the means or will to let go. They do not want to let go.

      Why do they wish to hold on when everybody wishes to move on?

They wish to hold on forever, because to let is to lose and to lose is to be lost forever. They so not want to lose it forever. It hurts to lose what you wish to hold on. Some wish to let go, but are to afraid to. Most are to afraid to ask for help, because they think they're  burdens or at not worth the aggravation that comes into asking for help. They think ' Hey, I need help, but don't want to make my loved ones mad'. They do not under stand that they see worth every thing to their loved ones. They do not realize that their behavior concerns their loved ones. Some hide it so well that nobody around notice a thing. But they deserve to be seen and heard. They deserve to have their needs taken care of and lives given a more important role in their loved ones lives.
  Some can have nothing going bad on their lives. They can be rich or poor. They can have parents or grandparents, but it can still happen.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2019 ⏰

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