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"E.." i sigh as I see him under the bleachers
"Go away Yvie.." He says annoyed
"No, you know I won't.. talk to me" I put my head on his shoulder
"I'm sick of it! He always gets in the way of everything!" He yells
"He's just trying to protect you.." I try to assure him
"No he just wants to steal everything from me!" He turns around looking at me with his red eyes
"He can't steal everything from you because I'm not going anywhere E!" I look at him
"Promise me Yvie ! Promise you will always be my best friend, that you won't fall for his tricks!"
"I promise Ethan!"

He hugged me so tight I couldn't breathe.. he has no idea how much I like Grayson..

I walked into my third period class which was history, I take a seat near the front, as I'm getting my books out I see him walk in...

"Class I'm going to split you up into groups of two for our first project" mrs. hall said

"Amy you will work with josh "
"Sara you will work with Adam"
"Yvie you will work with Grayson"

My heart stopped for a second when I heard her say his name...

"Hey partner!" Grayson says nudging me
"Uhh hey" I say avoiding eye contact

The rest of the time I couldn't help but peak at him... he was gorgeous... *snap out of it Yvie!*
Ugh I can't... I promised....

The bell had rung for next period I got up and packed my bag when suddenly

"Come over tonight to get this project started" he said sternly
"Yea.. okay" I agree

Ethan wasn't going to like this... but he had to understand it was for school... right?

It was after school and it was time for practice
I usually just watched Ethan practice with the football team, I sat in the stadium as I watched the cheer team warm up.. I was never one to be into cheerleading but my counselor says I need to be in some type of sport for it to look good on my college application...

Since it was the first day of school I decided to try out..

"Hey yvie ! Are you trying out this year?" Said Madison- she is the captain of the cheerleading squad
"Uhh yea I figured give it a shot"
"Awesome! Let's all start"

After 20 minutes of tryouts they were going to announce the three new cheerleaders

"Alright ladies! This years tryouts were incredible! So many talented girls there are only three spots and the girls are ... savanna, Kerry and Yvie ! Congratulations to the ones who made it and for the ones that didn't keep trying out and your dreams will come true !!"

OH MY GOSH..... I... I made the team ?!... wait I made the team ? I'm so confused and excited and nervous and... and I'm acting like Ethan...

"Congratulations Yvie ! You were amazing !"
"Thanks Madison I didn't think I would actually make it"
"Tomorrow we practice at 4 don't be late ! See ya then !! "

"Yvie! Wait up!!" Ethan yelled across the field
"Hey E! I have news!! I made the squad!!"
"Hell ya! That's awesome !! I'm gonna go change and I'll take you home.."
"Oh umm okay.. but can you take me to your house I got paired with Grayson for a project"
"Oh..uhh. Yea that's fine" Ethan said a little disappointed
"It's nothing just a project remember I promised!! " I say pushing him making him crack a smile

As I waited for him listening to music on the stands josh walked up to me and took my right earbud out

"Hey yvie! "
"Uhh hey Josh" I smiled
"So listen I'm really sorry about earlier today how about you let me take you out tonight to make up for me being such an idiot"
"Ummm yea.. sure I just have to work on a project today and I can meet you around 7?"
"Sounds great! I'll text ya" he said winking

We exchanged numbers and josh left as I turned to see if Ethan was coming I saw Grayson staring at me with disapproval
Idk what his deal is ...

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