Tony Stark

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"OH MY GOSH!" I yell out suddenly as I begin to jump around my room, "THIS IS INCREDIBLE! THE AI IS COMMUNICATING WITH ME! THE AI IS ACTUALLY TALKING TO ME!" I pause and look at the screen, "YOU!" I say as I jump in front of my desk with the AI looking rather annoyed, "YOU ARE ACTUALLY TALKING TO ME!"

"Kid! Calm down!" Tony yells at me as I am unable to contain my excitement.

"I CAN'T!" I say while jumping up and down like a child at a candy store.

"Then just-"

There is a knock on my door, "Hatsume? Are you okay?" My dad asks me on the other side of my door.

"Don't tell anyone I am here!" Tony aggressively tells me.

I look back and forth between the door and Tony before replying, "Yeah I am fine daddy! Just getting very excited about a new invention!" I reply back to him, clearly lying.

There is a short pause from my dad before he speaks,"Okay, but stop yelling. You know the rules already sweetie." He says as I hear him walk away.

I immediately turn back to the computer with the biggest smile on face in a long time. "Oh my gosh! This is just-"

"Could you just stop for a second?" Tony says while rubbing his temples. I stop talking and shut my trap, but my heart and thoughts are racing so fast it will put any speedsters max speed to shame. "Geez kid, I can tell you're going to be a handful..."

I chuckle a little, "My parents and teacher like to remind me of that everyday."

"Well, they aren't wrong. You should listen and make yourself less of a handful then." Tony says before he straightens himself out. "Anyways, yes I am Tony. Gaze your eyes upon my magnificent form. And before you ask, I just transferred my conscious into the internet."


"Simple. I am a genius, and I have more money then the top ten pro heroes combined and twenty times that." Tony brags before he coughs into his hand, "Let's get to business, though. If you may take a seat." I do as told and sit back down, my eyes staying focused on him. "So, kid. Like I said, you have a quality set of inventions in your room for a rookie. The dog though that's advanced."

Tony just praised my work. He praised me. What do I do?! "Thank you, I worked very hard on them." I say with a smile, while inwardly I can hear myself saying: "STUPID!"

"As you must. Any great inventor should know that all of their inventions should take their greatest efforts and more. If you don't put all your heart into it, then it's crap. Simple as that."

"Does anyone else know about you?!"

"No, so feel special kid." Tony then lifts up a finger as I was about to reply, indicating for me to silence myself, "But there is a reason why I am talking to you, though."

Tony then smirks and waves his hand as a recording replays something I said a few minutes, "Someday, I will be a hero like you. I will build my own suit and show everyone that I can be a hero just like everyone else." Tony then waves his hand again as it stops, "You want to be like me? A hero? An 'Iron Man', or in this case, an 'Iron Woman'?" He says to me.

I nod my head furiously and smile my biggest smile, "Yes! I want to be a hero! I want to save people! I want to build my own suit, and show everyone that has ever doubted me that I can do the impossible like you!" Tony stares at me for a moment before his smirk fades.

"You have heart and a drive kid; I'll give you that. But, you aren't ready to be a hero yet." Tony crosses his arms, "You know why?"

My face turns from one with excitement, to pure confusion and some disappointment, "I don't have my license?" I ask as I am not sure if my answer is the right one.

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