The Crime, and Formation of Undisputed

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Warning: This chapter's 'crime' may cause some discomfort. I felt the need to say it.


"You ready, kid?" Hiro asked on the radio.

"Ready?" I reply with a chuckle, "I've been ready, old man."

"Ha! Remember this old man kicked your ass yesterday so I wouldn't be talking right now," Hiro retorted with a laugh of his own.

It was night and Hiro and I were at a large section of the city that mostly had warehouses. Hiro has kept tabs on this place because he's heard of suspicious activity being active there. Hiro spied on the place with microrobots. At first, nothing was happening, but today, one of the bots alerted Hiro of movement from unauthorized personnel. Hiro paused my learning session with nanites and had me suit up. When we were ready, Hiro climbed on Baymax and blasted off with me next to them to confront these criminals.

"Alright. I wasn't expecting this to happen right now, but evil never rests so let's clean this up quickly." Hiro says, "I'll make it a challenge. Try to incapacitate more than Baymax whether that be by knockout or capture. Just don't overdo things unless you have too."

I nod my head and shield my face with nanites. "Give me a signal then and I'll go in."

"Kid, you're going to be working alone at points in time. Strike at the appropriate time." Hiro says, "And I haven't scanned the area yet so can you do that for me and inform me of what's happening?"

"Alright then," The nanites dispel from my eyes as I pull down my goggles over my eyes and use my quirk to see what is happening. "If Mina was here right now, she'd totally say, 'See? Spy mission!'" I recall the first thing Mina told me about my quirk other than it being cool, and she is right on that account. I zoom in and access the situation. "Hmmm....they seem to be moving cargo around. Moving stuff from semi-truck to semi-truck."

"How many are there? Give me details of everything inside the warehouses." Hiro questions.

"I count maybe twenty to thirty individuals. Maybe a little more if we count the people we can't see inside the trucks." I zoom out a little and take a wider view, "They are armed with small firearms and some heavy-duty armor."

"Any mutation quirks?"

"Negative. All of them may or may not have regular quirks."

"Okay," Hiro ponders for a moment, "What's in the cargo?"

"No idea. Give me a second to check," The nanites transfer into my goggles and give me specialized x-ray vision to see what is in those boxes. A few moments later, I see what is inside. "Oh, you mother...!" I grit my teeth in rage and bite my tongue back.

"What?" Hiro asks with concern, "What is it, Iron Maiden?" Hiro suggested we use hero names on the battlefield.

"Da Vinci," As Hiro wanted to be called, "Those aren't objects, those are people inside those cases!"

"What?!" Da Vinci was both shocked and angered, "Alright kid forget the challenge, this is serious. You and Baymax charge in together. Baymax will attack the kidnappers, you deal with the trucks. Make sure they are all destroyed, and if one or more tries to get away, stop them." Da Vinci orders.

"What about you?" I ask.

"I'll extract the civilians," Da Vinci mumbles something to himself before speaking up, "You and Baymax clean house, and try to do it as fast as you can and avoid any and all boxes. And remember to keep your cool." Da Vinci reminds me.

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