Chapter 1

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"Oh my dog! Oh my dog! Friday, no! We gotta stay here! It could be dangerous out there!" an anxious Dylan dalmatian said rather frantically. 

"But I'm hungry. And I swear I can smell something that tastes great out there" a feisty jack russel terrier replied.  

"Yeah, Dylan. Quit being such a scardy cat. We're starving!" Dylan's tomboyish stepsister, Dolly added. 

The three dogs were tied up outside, right in front of one of those buildings advertising food at the window, which wasn't helping their poor continuous growling stomachs. They had to admit they were pretty hungry, not remembering when the last time was they had ate. 

The little jack russel terrier wanted to go out and find the food he had smelled nearby, but he and the two dalmatians were still stuck by this pole that their leashes were tied around. Luckily, the little jack russel terrier knew this trick he had taught himself, grabbed his leash in his mouth, pulled back and slipped off his collar, freeing himself. 

Dylan and Dolly soon did the same and began following after the jack russel terrier down the streets. 

Whoa, hold up! You're probably all wondering why Dylan and Dolly are wandering out in the streets like a couple of strays?

Well, let's start at the beginning....

Dylan and Dolly Dalmatian had recently came back to America from London with their best human friend, Kali Harpercop to have some more exciting adventures with her. Plus, to get a break from their large family of 97 brothers and sisters and their parents Doug and Delilah. 

Not long after, there was a terrible accident which left Kali into believing to have lost her family, leaving her struggling to fend for herself, living on the streets with Dylan and Dolly. 

Although, Kali did have fun on a few new adventures, the adventure girl still missed her family. 

Dylan got a taste of the rough life before too, after enlisting his friend Fergus the fox to help him bring out his inner wolf.  

Eventually, the poor trio of orphans ended up meeting two other orphan siblings, Andi and Bruce. They had a dog themselves, Friday, who Dylan and Dolly quickly ended up getting along great with. 

Okay, back to the story... 

Friday and the two dalmatian siblings kept walking down the streets of the busy city, following the smell of food while also sniffing many other kinds of smells along the way. Some pleasant... some, not so pleasant. 

Soon they found a man sitting on a bench, eating a big juicy hot dog. The man noticed the dogs and rudely tried to shoo them away but they wouldn't budge. Especially Friday, who was hungry the most. The man began to tease the jack russel terrier with his food, which made Dylan and Dolly mad. 

But suddenly a car drove by on the street, splashing a puddle of water on the man. Friday took that as his chance while the man was distracted and snatched his hot dog right up. 

"Ha! Nice one, Friday" Dylan and Dolly laughed as they walked away with him. 

"Thanks. Want a bite?" Friday offered them. 

"Nah, you have it, Friday" Dolly insisted, seeing how hungry he really was. "I'm sure Kali will bring us plenty of food once she gets back" 

"That is IF Kali ever comes back with Andi and Bruce" Dylan clarified, worried that something bad might have happened to them. 


Kali was with Bruce, helping him prepare to give a rock in a box to Andi. They were hoping someone would think it was a cellphone so the kids could sell it and get the money. They soon gave the box to Andi and she headed into the pawn shop while they waited outside for her. 

"We should be able to make a good amount this time" Kali said the Bruce while they waited for Andi.  

Andi soon came back outside. 

"How'd we do?" Bruce asked his sister. 

"Twenty seven dollars" Andi replied. 

"Not bad" Kali smirked. 

"Nobody questions shrink wrap" Bruce added. 

The three kids then chuckled as they walked together.  

"Are you hungry?" Andi asked the two younger kids. 

"A little bit" Kali admitted. 

"I bet the dogs probably are a LOT" Bruce mentioned. 

Friday was seen digging in a trashcan while Dylan and Dolly watched him. They soon spotted their humans coming and quickly rushed back over to the spot where their leashes were tied up. 

"Hey, their collar and leashes slipped off" Bruce noticed as they walked up to the dogs. 

"And they waited right here" Andi smiled. "What good doggies. Yes, you are!" 

"Hey, guys!" Kali held open her arms and Dylan and Dolly jumped right into them, knocking her over to the ground. 

"Whoa, okay! I'm happy to see you too" the tomboy laughed while she hugged her dogs. 

Andi and Bruce did the same with their dog. 

"Oh, we missed you too, buddy" Bruce laughed while the jack russel terrier licked his face.  

"Did you bring us any food?" Dolly asked eagerly. 

"Whoa! Hold on, now" Kali told her dalmatians they'd get their meal in time. 

Kali did tell Andi and Bruce before that she could understand animal speech which amazed the two siblings and made them wish they could talk to Friday. 

Later, the kids came down to an area by the park with their dogs and sat down to eat. 

Dylan sighed. "How did we end up like this?" 

"Hey, just be glad Dante's not here" Dolly mentioned about their gothy brother. "He'd be going all crazy, saying how this was the end of the world for us" she joked, and the two step siblings then laughed.  

"I hope he knows what we go through just to feed him" Bruce whispered to his sister, then gave Friday some hamburger patties. "Alright, here you go, Friday"

Friday quickly gobbled up his food while Kali also gave Dylan and Dolly some patties to eat. 

"I've never seen a dog eat that much" Andi commented on Friday's appetite. "Ever"

"Except maybe Rolly" Kali mentioned one of her previously owned Dalmatians, who was a distant relative of Dylan and Dolly. 

The kids continued having fun hanging with their dogs, until Andi spotted a police officer and another guy nearby. 

"What is it, Andi?" Kali asked the older girl a bit concerned, looking up in the direction she was and soon saw the officer. 

"Go... Go!" Andi told Bruce and Kali urgently. 

The two younger kids quickly gathered up their things, grabbed their backpacks and left running. 

"Meet us at home, guys" Bruce told the dogs. And with that, the dogs and kids took off their separate ways. 

Andi went up to the officer to try and distract him while Kali and Bruce tried to sneak away. But they weren't looking where they were going and bumped into another officer, getting caught. 

The three kids were in big trouble.

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