Chapter 7

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Later that afternoon, back at the hotel~

Kali was in one of the more vacant rooms with all the leftover junk the gang had collected. She was with her dogs, thinking about what happened with Bernie earlier and her having to turn down an offer for a better home, along with Andi and Bruce.

"We're doing the right thing, aren't we, guys?" the adventure girl asked her two canine companions. 

Dylan and Dolly didn't really know what to say to their friend. 

"I'm not the best at answering that question" Dylan told her, resting his head on her knee. It was Kali's decision to decide. 

"Yeah..." Dolly added, coming up to her owner. "Just follow your heart"

The adventure girl sighed and gave a small smile to her dogs. They really were her best friends, always knowing just what to say to make her feel better. 

The three friends then looked over and noticed, just like how with Romeo and Juliet, another romantic moment was in progress between this big female doberman pincer named Killer, even though everyone could clearly tell she was a big softy, and a white male toy poodle who only spoke French named Francisco. They were two of the strays that Kali, Dylan and Dolly had rescued. 

Francisco was having a difficult time talking to Killer since he was very shy around her, but the toy poodle soon got his confidence back up and the couple were able to talk together for hours. 

Kali, Dylan and Dolly smiled as they watched them from a distance. Then Bruce walked in. 

"Hey" he greeted Kali, coming over to her.

"Hey" Kali greeted him back. 

"So I was wondering..." Bruce started off a bit slowly. He seemed to be a bit nervous around the tomboy while he asked her. "If you... don't mind helping me keep an eye on things tonight?"

It had been mentioned to everybody, Andi was going to a party tonight after being invited by Dave. Therefore, that would leave Bruce in charge of the hotel by himself for the night unless he got some help.  

"Uh... yeah, sure. Why not?" Kali smiled, agreeing. 

"Good" Bruce said, then petted both Dylan and Dolly on the head. 

Just then, they heard a bell ring. 

"That's dinner" Kali said, standing up. 

"Now you're speaking my langue!" Dolly smirked, eagerly ready to eat. 

"Come on, everybody! It's dinner time!" Friday, Dylan and Dolly ran throughout the hotel, telling all the other dogs it was meal time, and the whole pack came running into the dinning room where the kids had set everything up for dinner. 

"Hey, guys. Are you hungry?" the kids greeted them.  

Everyone sat down for dinner. The humans and dogs at separate tables. 

"Smells great" Andi said.  

"So, Heather, it's kind of like a dinner date, isn't it?" Mark asked, trying to act all cool around Heather again. Kali just rolled her eyes at that. 

The dogs food was soon brought out on a little toy train, by a specialized kibble dispenser Dylan helped make with Bruce. 

Bruce tapped his glass, getting everyone's attention. 

"To us" he announced. "To a real family"

"To us" everyone held up their glasses. "Cheers!"

"Dig in everybody!" Dolly told the pack. 

And with that, everyone started eating, all enjoying their meal together. They really were a real family. 

Later that evening, Kali had stopped by at Andi and Bruce's place real quick to try and help her get ready for the party. Bruce mentioned to his sister if she really wanted to find a great dress, he advised her to check out room 502 at the hotel. 

Kali had to go back to her foster home real quick to fetch a few things, telling Bruce she'd meet him back at the hotel in a few minutes. 

Bruce mentioned he was a little nervous if something went wrong while they were left to watch the hotel by themselves. And Kali had the same funny feeling too. 

Kali was just coming out of her room, when she saw Princess, along with Bethany rummaging through her backpack. 

"No! Bethany! Princess! Don't! That's my personal-" Kali tried to stop them, running towards them. 

But it was too late, as the cat and little girl ran off and over to Roxanne and Slem with some things they had took from Kali's backpack. 

"Mommy, I found your hairdryer" Bethany showed it to Roxanne. 

Kali stopped in her tracks while both Princess and Bethany grinned evilly at her. She had been caught red-handed. 

Kali was soon sat down, being interrogated by her foster family. 

"So what else have you stolen?" Slem demanded. 

"...Nothing" Kali said quietly.  

"So you admit you did steal it" Roxanne said to her. 

"I never said that, Roxanne" Kali looked to the punk goth. 

Slem came up to the adventure girl. "You might as well tell the truth. Do you really think you could outsmart us?"

"I'd rather not answer that question, Slem" Kali replied, glowering slightly at him. 

Meanwhile with the dogs, they were waiting for another round of dinner. But unfortunately, the kibble dispenser suddenly stopped working. 

"The machine must've short circuited" Dylan mentioned. 

Dylan, Dolly and Friday all looked to each other, knowing this couldn't be good. 

All the dogs started howling and immediately ran out of the dinning room. 

Even Dolly knew this was serious and not a time to be messing around like she'd normally do, like the other dogs were doing right now. 

Some of the dogs came into the kitchen looking for anything to eat, creating a huge mess. 

"Alright, everybody. I know it looks bad, but if we all just calm down we can-" Dylan tried to calm the pack down but got caught up in the commotion, having a bag of flour dumped on his head. Dolly came to help her brother out. 

It was chaos. 

Georgia came into the exercise room were she spotted a bone dangled from one of the treadmills and grabbed it in her mouth. But she wasn't the only one who wanted the bone as Henry appeared right in front of her, growling.  

The chase was on. 

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