Nightmares & Enlightenment

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Damn it what did I get myself into? Now here I am sitting on my dining room table contemplating the fact that not only me but Ells will be a part of a commercial for my job. I've never even been to acting school and this commercial needs to be perfect. Ugh....

"Mommy you're home, yay! Mommy, mommy guess what?! Aunty Ells took me to see the manta way and the bue shalk and the tuttles at the aquawium, it was awesome!" He says enthusiastically running up to me for a hug

Pulling me from my thoughts my precious four year old's arms wrapped around my neck "Tristan baby, you're home, aunty Ells told me she was taking you to the aquarium, I'm glad you had fun. Look she sent me videos of you with the turtles and the sharks and manta rays  baby." A genuine smile plastered on my face, my son's mere presence could take away any self doubt, and any negative thoughts in an instant.

"I did mommy but I'm tieyad (tired) now can you put me to bed now with stowy (story) time?" Big brown pleading eyes full of love and sincerity looking back at me.

"Of course baobei go put your jammies on I'm going to talk to aunty Ells and than say done so I can read you bed time story, okay?"

"Mhmm mommy." Rubbing his tired eyes Tristan heads to his room to change into his Jammies.

"Ells your the best as always, thank you for all the videos and honestly not only that but for everything with the commercial."

"Seriously moon, I'm just doing my job as his baby sitter but honest it's the fact that your basically like my sister and Tristan he's practically my nephew. We need each other trust me, I love both of you very much. Don't think to hard and remember I'm here for you always not just me though, Nicky she is too and you know she loves you and as her little sister I'm just glad she sent you my way when she did."

"Love you Ells, thank you!" I pull her in for a hug and walk her to her door and in the Knick of time...

"Mommy I'm done come heye (here) now please."


" don't know... what to do..." Shen Yue finally managed to say in between sobs

"My dear Yue, what's wrong? Calm down and just breathe... tell me what happened and take your time please." A concerned Nicky patted Yue's back

"He said .... I don't matter.... to him.... that he never.... wanted... more....than what we had. He.. he said... that.. I'm a....mistake."

"Why would he say that? He told me and Cesar he loved you more than life itself, it just doesn't make sense, I mean I just don't under...." before Nicky could even finish her thought

"I'm PREGNANT Nicky, I told him I was PREGNANT." Shen Yue blurted wide eyed, tears running down her cheeks. "I was supposed to finish school and now I have no one. I need to give up my dreams and he... he gave up on us..."

"Hey, hey, hey there's no need to feel lost Yue. You have me, in your best friends and you won't do this alone. Listen, I need you to be open minded, can you do that for me?!" Resolve set on her voice.

"Mhmm. What do I need to do Nicky?"

"You'll move to Texas my little sister Ells is there she's in school and she has extra room, you'll finish school there. You only have one year left to obtain your bachelors, Ells she'll help you as much as she can and as much as you'll let her at least until you get back on your feet okay?!"

End of flashback.

"Ugh Damn it, what time is it? 5.00 AM? I hate waking up to dreams about how weak I used to be. You are Moon Shen now, never Shen Yue again, now get up and get ready to take on your day, you owe it not only to you but Tristan to be Strong Moon."

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